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Madoff. A Cursed Name

am.jpgThe NY Daily News reports: What’s in a name? Nothing but trouble. Just ask Ari Madoff.

The Chicago lawyer isn’t related to accused stock swindler Bernie Madoff, but everyone – from folks in his synagogue to potential clients – assumes he is.

It’s gotten so bad he’s thinking about changing his name and the slogan of his law firm: “Madoff, the most trusted name in securities law.”

“I used to be flattered when people asked me if I was related to the famous financier,” he said. “Now that association only brings me troubles.”

Ari Madoff, 29, is the grandson of Bernard Madoff – not the high-flying fund manager under house arrest in a Manhattan penthouse, but a former shoe salesman in a Canadian nursing home.

His mother is Shana Madoff, the same name as one of the Ponzi mastermind’s nieces.

That caused problems for her recently when she tried to use a credit card and found out it was blocked for security reasons, her son said.

“The other day I walked into my synagogue and everyone turned around,” he said.

“Some people asked if I was related to Bernard Madoff, but most people didn’t dare to ask. Potential business clients will probably wonder, too.”

Ari’s sister has started using her childhood nickname to avoid guilt by association, and he might follow her.

At the very least, he needs new business cards.

“Let’s just say that I will likely have to abandon some of the tag lines I was thinking of,” he said, among them:

“Trust, Honesty, Integrity: That’s the Madoff Way”

“Madoff: The #1 Name In Fiduciary Relationships”

“Madoff: Trust: Then, Now & Forever.”

(Source: NY Daily News)

11 Responses

  1. I find it hard to believe that “walked into my synagogue and everyone turned around”
    Ari is a good guy and we all know that in Chicago.


    Before you plan to commit a crime think about the consequences. Not only will you suffer, but your whole extended family too.

  3. Gevaldik: I assume he meant “turned around” as in turned to look at him in curiosity, not “turned around” as in turned their backs on him.

  4. Suprised to see this made it into the Yeshiva News.

    To clarify a couple of things from the article:

    “I find it hard to believe that “walked into my synagogue and everyone turned around”
    Ari is a good guy and we all know that in Chicago.”

    -This was not the intention of this quote. What I meant was people turned around in curiosity as to whether I was a relative or not. Of course, everyone was very friendly, supportive and curious.

    Before you plan to commit a crime think about the consequences. Not only will you suffer, but your whole extended family too.”

    – While the above adage is certainly true, as I noted in the story I am NOT related to Bernie Madoff….not even as extended family. Our family name was shortened to Madoff about 70 years and relatives have done significant genealogical research and would know if he was related.If by “extended family” you mean Klal Yisrael, then you are indeed correct.

    Finally, the interview was supposed to be light hearted and was meant to put a little light on this strange coincidence. I am by no means bitter, nor to I feel “cursed” in any way. Hopefully this too shall pass and hopefully I can do my part to help redeem and rehabilitate my sullied last name -Ari “No Relation To The Madoff You Are THinking Of Asking About” Madoff

  5. yaakov123, The article states that Ari Madoff is NOT related to that Bernard Nadoff. His grandfather just has the same name. So I guess if anyone commits a crime c”v, they should also worry about anyone with the same last name…
    and of course the chillul Hashem involved.

  6. Good think the Jewish Ponzi wasnt named Cohen or we’d have a hard time getting a minyan that we enjoy davening with

  7. imagine how the Ponzi family feels

    Comment by akuperma — January 8, 2009 @ 12:04 pm

    I thought the answer would be RICH?

    And to the people that say they are shocked at Madoff the ganev because he gave so much tzedaka I ask and with whoms money did he give “tzedaka” with? I once heard a rosh yeshiva say at an irgun shiur that anyone that takes money which is treif or comes from treifeh sources will not have any mazel with the money that is used from treif sources.

    And to Ari we know your not the problem and what did you expect from the daily news? Don’t do interviews with the goyishe media because they will spin anything a person says to the way they want the article to be. The goyish media is terrible. Do an interview with yeshiva world next time and they won’t spin the facts. I raely see any retractions from this site so it means they do their due diligence in researching their news items. Keep up the good work.

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