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NYSP Keeping Watchful Eye On Jewish Community

nyspn.jpgDue to the current situation in Israel, and hate-crimes happening in cities across the globe, the New York State Police reached out to YWN to ensure us that they are keeping a watchful eye on “houses of worship”, and highly populated Jewish communities under their jurisdiction.

Although there is absolutely no threat to be concerned about, the NYSP Superintendent Harry Corbitt is reaching out to the greater Jewish communities across New York State to inform them that the NYSP is stepping up patrols in areas “of interest”.

Special Assistant to the Superintendent of the New York State Police Rabbi Bernard Freilich told YWN that the message from Police Headquarters in Albany NY is the following:

IF you see something, SAY SOMETHING! If you see a suspicious package, activity or a suspicious vehicle, don’t keep it to yourself. Immediately notify your local police department or call 1-866-SAFE NYS (1-866-723-3697).

(Eli Gefen – YWN Queens Ops’ Desk)

One Response

  1. Superintendant Corbitt,

    Thank you. You may not hear it much, but we really appreciate your efforts on our behalf.


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