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ISRAEL: Terrorist Tries Torching Gas Station

arson.jpgPolice explain the Arab terrorist who on Thursday morning tried to set a gas station ablaze was perpetrating a terror attack. The attack took place in a gas station located in the Mishur Adumim area, the industrial zone of Maale Adumim.

According to the information available, including statements from a gas station attendant involved in stopping the terrorist, the Arab male carried a Koran and shouted “Ala Akhbar” as he poured gasoline on two vehicles in an effort to set them ablaze. The drivers of the two vehicles fled and it appears at least one of them did indeed catch fire.

The attendant tried to restrain the terrorist. In the meantime, police and firefighters arrived on the scene and eliminated the terrorist with gunfire. As a result of the gunfire, one fire vehicle was hit and put out of service due to the damage.

The attendant was transported to a Jerusalem hospital for treatment of a light burn to a hand.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

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