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CONFIRMED – Katyusha Rockets Land East of Nahariya Thur AM [UPDATED 8:28AM IL]

ywbn19.gif7:46AM IL: [UPDATES BELOW] IDF forces are responding to many reports of explosions in northern Eretz Yisroel, including the “Nahariya area”. According to preliminary but yet unconfirmed reports, the north is under attack from southern Lebanon. Further details to followo.

7:49AM IL: While the IDF is not commenting at this time, there are reports that three Katyusha rockets have landed in the western Galil. More to follow.

7:51AM IL: It is now confirmed that three Katyusha rockets were fired into northern Israel a short time ago, landing east of Nahariya in the Cabri area. Police and army forces are responding. It is unknown if there are injuries at this time.

7:55AM IL: MDA officials’ report a number of people have been injured in the Thursday morning Katyusha rocket attack in the north, apparently in light condition. Hizbullah al-Manar TV is reporting the rocket attacks at this time.

8:06AM IL: Officials are now reporting that four Katyusha rockets have landed in northern Israel earlier Thursday morning. One or two people were lightly injured and a number of others are being treated for shock/hysteria.

The IDF has canceled schools in some northern areas and municipalities are instructed to open public shelters.

8:13AM IL: Israel Police senior northern district commander, Yehuda Maman reports he is awaiting instructions from the IDF Homefront Command following the attack earlier Wednesday morning in which four Katyusha rockets landed near Shlomi.

Two people were lightly injured. Shlomi officials have been instructed to close its schools, as is the case in other western Galil communities. Shelters in those areas are being opened and residents are instructed to remain close to the shelters at this time. Officials report that not all the sirens sounded to warn residents of the incoming rocket attack.

It appears there are three different areas impacted by the rocket attack this morning.

8:21AM IL: The IDF has ordered all Nahariya schools closed following the Thursday morning Katyusha rocket attacks into the western Galil.

Two people are being transported to Nahariya Hospital with light injuries with others being treated for hysteria/shock.

Senior IDF Northern District commanders are conferring with members of the General Staff and Defense Minister Ehud Barak to determine a course of action following the rocket attack over Israel’s international border.

8:28AM IL: IDF officials are now confirming artillery shelling was ordered in response to the Katyusha rocket attacks into northern Israel on Thursday morning. Israel issued a statement it will not tolerate any attacks across its border, from Hizbullah or any other organization.

Nahariya Mayor Jackie Sabag explains he is prepared. What caught residents off guard he explains is the fact that the sirens did not sound. The mayor adds that schools are closed and a few minutes ago, residents were instructed to enter bomb shelters.

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(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

6 Responses

  1. Please…please….please….tehillim and pray for the IDF and all the civilians of Klal Yisroel….this is so predictable….Israel must continue to the very end and this trash must be finally taken out. We have an opportunity to show the world how to deal with these Nazis…..Pray and have emunah that this is what must be…..Am Yisroel Chai!

  2. 5, I’ve seen some recommend what 4 said, some what you said. I guess if someone is pressed for time and some of these tehillim are unfamiliar, probably start with what 4 was told.

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