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Israel: 7 Killed in UNRWA School, Not 40

explos2.jpgWe have been there before and once again, Israel is defending herself against Arab propaganda, as was the case with the so-called ‘Jenin massacre’ (Operation Defensive Shield) and other similar cases in which Arabs claimed exaggerated death tolls and the international community all too willing to get on board and condemn Israel.

Following the latest Hamas-reported ‘massacre’, reporting over 40 dead in a Gaza UNRWA school, Israel began questioning why the footage of the attack failed to show the bodies reported in the Arab media.

Israel also reports the acrid black smoke seen coming from the building after the attack, providing additional evidence that the building was a storage facility for weapons and ammunition.

Speaking to members of the Knesset Foreign Affairs & Defense Committee who were visiting Beersheva on Wednesday, IDF Southern District Commander Major-General Yoav Gallant reported that in total, seven people were killed in the return fire against the UN structure which served as a Hamas facility, not “over 40” as is being reported.

Gallant went on to explain that an IDF force was targeted by mortar shell fire from the building, compelling a response, which apparently detonated the detonation of the explosives inside. Not surprisingly, the UN rejected Israel’s report, stating there is no evidence to substantiate Israel’s version of the incident.

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(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

4 Responses

  1. this story is not true. i have personally spoken with a Sky News reporter currently in Israel who assures me that Yoav Galant made no such report.

  2. If this is true, it is huge news. Can’t guarantee MSM will report it, but you can be sure Jewish/conservative press will. Right now YWN is the only source. Please confirm that this report is correct.

  3. Maybe the discrepancy is over how many were directly killed by Israel, and how many died due to the explosions from enemy weapons being stored in a presumably neutral building.

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