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We’re Fighting for Our Survival

idftrp1.jpgOne soldier explained to YWN that unlike American forces stationed in various locations around the world, Israeli soldiers fighting in Gaza are fighting for the survival of the nation, to bring a halt to rocket attacks over an international border, to bring an end to constant attacks by a hostile Islamic terrorist regime that targets civilian population centers in southern Israel.

From interviews with soldiers and parents, one can discern the attitude is a positive one and the soldiers are calling to push ahead and eliminate the enemy, to disarm Hamas, and to bring a peaceful life back to southern residents after 8 years of Hamas-sponsored terror.

Interviews with the wounded carry the same undertone, with soldiers asking doctors when they will be well enough to return to their units to help get the job done.

Despite much negative input from the predominately left-wing Israeli mainstream media, today it is obvious the backbone of the IDF’s infantry is the dati leumi camp, soldiers and young officers educated with Jewish values, Eretz Yisrael values, and a willingness to put the Jewish People ahead of their own personal safety.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

5 Responses

  1. Am yisroel chai!…..Emunah and the Master of the Universe will show his hand…..believe, tefillah and tzedaka and avodah!………

  2. American soldiers fighting, currently in Iraq and Afghanistan, and in previous wars against the Communists and the Nazis, were fighting both for survival of the United States as a free country, and indirectly for our survival (how well would we have done in a world that was dominated by Joseph Stalin, Adolf Hitler or Osama Bin Laden). The only difference is the Americans, for the most part, manage to keep the front lines far away from home.

    Of courses Jews are involved. Some do things like play soldier (helps, but only indirectly and in the short run), and others devote their lives to Torah and Mitsvos. No matter how good our soldiers or how clever our statesmen, Jewish survival has never been been a function of our ability to beating up our enemies.

  3. 4, you’re right, let’s not downplay the real hishtadlus of Torah and tefillah. But let’s not also downplay the call from gedolim all over to unequivocally support the soldiers.

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