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10:50AM IL: DM Barak’s Comments Carried Live

Defense Minister Ehud Barak a few moments ago addressed an opening session of the Knesset Foreign Affairs & Defense Committee which was relocated to the Defense Ministry to accommodate his schedule and the schedules of senior defense personnel.

The defense minister’s remarks were carried live on Israel Radio.

Since the IDF entered Gaza on motzei Shabbos, there has been one fatality and 50 soldiers wounded; 4 serious, 8 moderate and the remainder light.

Hamas has been dealt a hard blow, but not enough to change realities in Gaza. The IDF is advancing at a good pace, but the objectives of the operation have not been achieved and therefore, the ground forces operation continues. Simultaneously, there are ongoing diplomatic contacts with some organizations calling for a ceasefire.

500 rockets and mortar shells were fired at Israel since the start of the operation on Shabbos, December 27th.

We remain alert and ready along the northern border as well. We are determined to bring southern residents that which they are entitled to, peace and quiet.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

One Response

  1. Can somebody explain why we can pinpoint from where these rockets are being fired and take these dogs out. Gaza is a relatively small area and with technology advanced as it is today, it seems to me, we should be able to hit them while they’re setting up these rockets! Or at least get them immediately after they’re fired!

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