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Golani’s 51st Regiment Under Fire Again

The Golani Brigade has a long and illustrious history, and most recently, they fought hard and proud during the Second Lebanon War.

Among the regiments that entered Gaza on motzei Shabbos was Golani’s 51st, a legendary unit that over the years has earned its place in the books of legendary battles in defense of Eretz Yisrael.

In the Second Lebanon War, it was the 51st regiment that fought hard in the battle of Bint Jbeil, a battle in which eight combatants fell. Following the war, eight soldiers and officers received citations for their bravery in combat. Perhaps the most famous of the fallen was Major Ro’i Klein HY”D, who received a medal posthumously. It was Ro’i who shouted Shema Yisrael when he jumped on a grenade, saving the lives of his men around him. Gravely wounded, he instructed the medics to care for his junior officer, Lt. Amichai Merchavia HY”D, who also died of his injuries.

It is our fervent prayer that there will be no need to award any medals posthumously and that all the soldiers will return home safe and sound and that they enjoy a heavy dose of siyata d’shmaiya as they fight to bring peace to southern Israel.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

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