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Troops Stocked for the Long Haul

idf tank.jpgMotzei Shabbos – 8:40PM IL: A large IDF force is at this time operating in Gaza. According to the first statements being released by the IDF, the soldiers are well stocked and prepared for the “long haul,” one of the lessons learned from the Second Lebanon War.

Soldiers are moving and shooting in every direction, sending Hamas a message that they mean business and this operation is intended to dismantle Hamas’ deadly infrastructure. Officials explain this is a shoot-first operation, and the rules of warfare will escort the infantry forces who will seek to bring an end to the fear that has plagued the Greater Sderot Area for some eight years.

The well-stocking of the soldiers will eliminate much of the logistical difficulties encountered in getting supplies to soldiers in Lebanon during the Second Lebanon War.

YWN will continue providing real-time coverage of the IDF ground forces operation in Gaza.

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(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

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