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The United States Contributes $85 Million for Humanitarian Assistance to Palestinian Refugees

abbas.jpgThe United States announces its plan to contribute $85 million to the U.N. Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East (UNRWA) for its 2009 appeals. Of the $85 million announced today, $25 million will go to UNRWA’s Emergency Appeal for the West Bank and Gaza; $60 million to UNRWA’s General Fund.

Through this contribution to the Emergency Appeal for the West Bank and Gaza, Palestinian refugees, who comprise 70 percent of the population in Gaza and 30 percent in the West Bank, will receive urgently needed food, medicines, and other critical humanitarian assistance. The contribution to UNRWA’s General Fund will support the provision of basic and vocational education, primary health care, and relief and social services to more than 4.6 million registered Palestinian refugees in Gaza, the West Bank, Jordan, Lebanon, and Syria.

The United States reiterates its deep concern about the escalating violence in Gaza and commends UNRWA’s important work meeting the emergency needs of civilians in Gaza at this very difficult time. We hold Hamas fully responsible for breaking the ceasefire and for the renewal of violence. We call on all concerned to protect innocent lives and to address the urgent humanitarian needs of the people of Gaza, by facilitating necessary access into Gaza for UNRWA and other humanitarian organizations. We also encourage other states to provide urgently needed funding to UNRWA and other international organizations providing lifesaving care to civilians in Gaza.

The United States is UNRWA’s largest bilateral donor, and contributed $184.68 million to UNRWA towards its 2008 Appeals, including $99.87 million for UNRWA’s General Fund and $84.81 million for its emergency appeals for Lebanon, the West Bank, and Gaza. The United States plans to provide additional funding for UNRWA’s 2009 appeals in the future.

(YWN Desk – NYC)

5 Responses

  1. This is INSANE! How much more money are we going to give away? Where is this money going to come from? And does the US honestly think that this money will go to the people they think need it? Why not send SUPPLIES rather than money? I so don’t want to pay my taxes.

  2. This is how the U.S. keeps the Hamas going. They provide sustenance to brainwashed terrorists that will continue their terror as long as they can breathe. Humanitarian aid = $$$ for diversion to purchase weapons, rockets and ammunition. Look how much Arafat diverted. As long as Hamas is in control in Gaza, sending aid = supporting terrorism. Let them first agree to stop shooting offensive rockets and then provide them aid.

    Let the murderers die of starvation or their wounds if they are not willing to stop their attacks against civilization. They elected their terrorist government. They can’t be helped under that regime. Leave the country, overthrow the government or concede and only then do you receive aid!

  3. WHAT?!
    That’s all I can say. WHAT!

    Besuros Tovos!
    יהי רצון שיבנה בית המקדש במהרה בימינו

  4. are there still BUSH supporters here, while our economy collapses he gives terrorists food? If Bush were our freind he would fight terrorists in Dearborn and Bay Ridge not in Baghdad look at all those terror supporters in TIMES SQUARE

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