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Kosher Consumers Faced With 25 Percent Increase in 2008

kosher.gif2008 was an expensive year for kosher consumers, a KosherToday survey shows.

On average, kosher consumers who purchased cholov yisrael dairy products and glatt kosher meat and poultry rang up approximately 25% more than their non-kosher counterparts. This increase was above the increased cost for such items as milk, which increased by 26% and eggs by some 40%. In general, a kosher family of four that paid $150 for these items at the end of 2007, is most likely paying $225 for them today.

The record prices for oil are blamed for the dramatic increase in food prices. Meat and poultry soared because of the shortages created by events at the Agriprocessors plant in Postville, Iowa. The price of corn, for example, doubled in the past two years. Wheat more than tripled during that period of time and many cheese prices have doubled. Kosher consumers have also had to deal with sharply increased prices for meat and poultry, which in some cases increased by nearly 30%.

These increases could not have come at a worse time for many kosher consumers, as they cope with the devastating effects of the deepening recession. Retailers say that many hard-hit middle class families are scrambling for specially discounted foods, cutting back on luxury items and shopping at discount stores, which continue to add kosher items to their food aisles. Shoppers have become extremely creative in shopping, using more coupons and frequenting discounting chains.

3 Responses

  1. I was in costco yesterday and the cheese prices there compared to cholov yisroel brand is ridiculous, we are getting cheated big time. Example they had 5lbs already shredded cheese for $9.99 go find that in a kosher supermarket.

  2. The number of 30% increase is a big lie. The actual number are more than 60%!

    Doesa anyone realize that not only did the prices go up but the packaging got smaller too?

    For example: Tuna cans which used to be 7 oz went to 6 oz 8 years ago and over the last two months if you look at the tuna fish cans they are 5 oz now. Remember that there is water or oil in the cans so your actually getting 4 oz of fish now!! I had an employee admit that there is also more water being put in the can! (
    We are really getting ripped off from all ends) You can call Starkist by calling the 800 number found on the can and see for yourself.

    Why does gefen charge 50 cents more than Starkist when it’s the same product?

    New Square oranje juice went from 64 oz to 59 oz and then the company raised the prices! When I called New Square they said it’s easier to hold and fits in the fridge door better so for the convenience they charge more! (The employee was just reading out his manual.)

    Cheeses went from 2.69 to 5.19 for an 8 oz package. Why? Nobody knows.

    Cholov yisroel milk is outrageously priced and there is no reason for it. A cow is a cow. About a year ago I called one company that makes a “cholov yisroel production” and the person that answered the phone stated, and I will quote, “there is no rabbi at most of our jewish productions ….” i take from this that cholov yisrole is NOT cholov yisroel. Is it the label that makes the milk cholov yisroel? If yeshiva world wants names to verify this information I have no problem with giving the names.

    Two years ago I called a company that does lettuce and cabbage “bug free”production but the company told me at the time there is absolutely no difference in the way they rinse and wash their products vs their own product which also has a regular hashgocha by Rabbi Heinemann except for the packaging! Most people are paying double for what people think is more speical because of the four extra hashgocha symbols on the packaging.

    The whole idea of having a private label was to ensure a better supervision,(hashgocha) and to have lower prices since it’s a private label. brand is supposed to be more but happened over the years is your paying more for a gefen label or any label that has some chasidishe rovs name on it!

    The bottom line is if we keep on complaining but still buying products that are priced outrageous the price will continue to go up and up!

    Boycot companies that are taking advantage of us.

    Mr. Lubinsky always says that the consumer has the power to change things for the better. this includes hashgocha and pricing. If we DEMAND change will we will get it!

  3. #2

    You forgot the mention that the price of peanut chews also went up nearly 80% since 07. Can some 1 explain to me why the price of peanut chews is so high??? This is outrageous!!!!
    From now on i will only buy Mrs Adlers Gefilte Fish!!!

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