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Evening in Memory of Rav Binyamin Zev & Talya Kahane HYD

A special tribute Melave Malka event in memory of Rav Binyamin Ze’ev and Talya Kahane HY”D, who were killed 8 years ago by Arab terrorists on their way home to Kfar Tapuach from Jerusalem, will be held this coming Sat night, Motzei Shabbat parshat Vayigash (Jan 3) at 8:00PM in the Kfar Tapuach Central Synagogue.

Speakers will include Rav Binyamin’s students, Rav Yehuda Richter and Talya’s father – Avraham Herzlich.

Video clips of some of Rav Binyamin’s speeches and protests will be shown. Singer Yitzhak Fuchs will accompany the event with a tribute concert. Women’s section will also be open.

For additional information regarding the event or transportation from Jerusalem, or alternatively on spending Shabbat in Kfar Tapuach, one may call 054-487-6709.

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