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Israeli who murdered four Arabs gets convicted

An Israeli settler who shot and killed four Palestinian civilians in the West Bank in an attempt to scuttle Israel’s pullout from the Gaza Strip last year was convicted Monday in the Jerusalem District Court on four counts of murder. Asher Weisgan, 38, of the West Bank settlement of Shvut Rachel, who had subsequently called for the assassination of former Prime Minister Ariel Sharon, had been found mentally fit to stand trial by a psychiatrist who examined him at court order.

“The basic prohibition of ‘Thou shall not murder,’ which is part of the Ten Commandments… reflects the minimum of legal norms of all of humanity,” the three judge panel headed by Judge Moshe Ravid wrote in their unanimous ruling.

A driver who transported Palestinian laborers, Weisgan grabbed a gun from a security guard at the end of the work day last August after the guard asked him for a drink of water, and then opened fire at the workers in his car at close range, killing three instantly, and mortally wounding a fourth, who died later on the operating table at Jerusalem’s Hadassah University Hospital at Ein Kerem.

He will be sentenced at a later date.

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