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Chevron Arab Resident Nabbed in Tzfas Yeshiva

mishtara2.jpgA male in chareidi garb attracted the attention of police in Tzfas on Friday, prompting them to stop the man and request identification. It appears the man is a PA (Palestinian Authority) resident from the Chevron area, but he was not a terrorist masquerading, but a yeshiva bachur, or more accurately, a giyur student who has been studying in Tzfas for over a year and is nearing the end of his process until he is permitted to go to mikve.

The man explained to police that he has been studying regularly in the yeshiva, handing them a list of police personnel and army officers who know him and can corroborate his story, seeking to assure them he is not a threat.

He pleaded with authorities not to take him back to the PA area, explaining doing so would be a death sentence for returning to the area after declaring his desire to leave Islam to become Jewish would certainly be more than enough reason for many of his former colleagues to want to kill him.

He also expressed fear over the publication of the details of the incident, for this will assist some of his former neighbors in tracking him down.

As far as the yeshiva goes, it has had Muslim conversion candidates in the past, including members of the now-defunct Israel-allied Southern Lebanese Army, and Lebanese citizens, who today live a Torah life as a member of Am Yisrael.

It appears police will nevertheless be charging the student with being inside Green Line Israel illegally, and according to the report, aren’t willing to take his special situation into consideration.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

7 Responses

  1. If this fellow is legit, and he pleaded not to have the details publicized, why were they? Unless there’s benefit in our contacting the police in his favor.

  2. I think #2 hit it on the head.

    He should have been caught at a B’Tselem or a Labor meeting and they would have given him a free pass

    Happy Chanukah everyone!

  3. the tziyonim will meet the same fate as the yevanim – hopefully we will speedily be returned to eretz yisroel and the bais hamikdosh

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