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Deri Shifts Right as Elections Near

deriFor those who do not remember, in the election campaign for the 19th Knesset, Shas leader Aryeh Deri visited Shomron where he spoke of the need for continued construction. The dati leumi media writes that this time around, Deri is trying to find favor with them with a bill that was sponsored this week by MK Orit Struk of Bayit Yehudi and Ze’ev Elkin of Likud, to reverse the so-called Disengagement to permit residents of the former N. Shomron communities of Sanur and Chomesh to return home.

A total of 20 MKs from Bayit Yehudi, Likud, Yisrael Beitenu, Yahadut Hatorah and Shas signed the bill, including Shas party leader Aryeh Deri.

The same dati leumi reports remind readers that when the current administration cut funding to yeshivos Deri stated “we survived thousands of years without outposts but not without limud Torah”, seeking to show his actions as nothing more than electioneering. They are calling on dati leumi voters not to be duped by Deri and to remain loyal of the dati leumi party.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

8 Responses

  1. There’s no contradiction. He was saying that next to Torah it isn’t important but it’s still a worthwhile endeavor. Are they denying his statement? Do they think Torah is less important?

    I can understand the Dati Leumi trying to keep their votes away from Shas…

  2. Shas and Dery stands for

    S Shameless
    H hypocrite
    A Avodah Zorah practitioner
    S Swindlers
    Remember Oslo Shas and Dery’s hands are dripping from the blood
    of more than 2000 Oslo victims.Only Erev Rav and fools with IQ OF A DONKEY will vote for Shas.

  3. Deri lost credibility along time ago. We was willing to sell out the Land Hashem gave us. Baloney political statements won’t get him votes.

  4. How anyone frum or on the right can respect Deri is beyond me.

    Deri supported the pullout from Gush Katif in order to save his political life from being sent to jail and to suck more money out of the government for Shas. In doing so, he caused widespread problems for the innocent people of Gush Katif and today’s terror base in Gaza.

  5. Deri can blow nice tekiahs on a shofar but with that same he also blows a lot of hot air. Yeshai doesn’t put on any act that he is all that but Deri put on the act that he’s world’s biggest Torah scholar. I wouldn’t trust anything Deri does as he is a snake in the grass. Yeshai should be brought back into the fold as he doesn’t put any airs that he is Mr. Know It All. He’s a very down to earth and practical person. They should’ve left Deri in prison as it is a most befitting place for him. It is a shame that he misled Chacham Ovaida, ztk”l into thinking that he was Shas’ saviour. Deri will be the demise of Shas and they will have to start from scratch after they rid themselves of this snake.

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