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PHOTOS – Armed Robbery In Boro Park Store

pd car.gif10:20PM EST: (PHOTO & VIDEO LINK BELOW) The NYPD is searching for four black men who held up “The Children’s Place” store, at approximately 9:45PM on Wednesday night.

Although details are still unclear, the armed men entered the store located at 4402 13th Avenue, and displayed a weapon. After exiting the store, the perps were ran towards New Utrecht Avenue, and entered the train station. A train operator told police that she witnessed at least one perp running on the tracks, and one of them reportedly dropped his weapon.

The weapon has since been recovered (a loaded, black 9MM handgun), and a massive police investigation is underway, with NYPD Aviation, and K9 assisting in the perp-search.

Boruch Hashem, there was no-one injured in this incident, and sources tell YWN that nothing was stolen from the store.

PHOTO LINK: Click HERE for photos taken by YWN-170.

(YWN-88 / YWN-170 On-Scene)

11 Responses

  1. The pictures are not consistent with the article. Were the suspects arrested? The pics show men being arrested in front of the store…

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