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TONIGHT – Flatbush Gathering of Prayer & Protest on Behalf of Chevron & Eretz Yisroel

7111.jpgThere will be an “emergency solidarity conference” for the city of Chevron & all of Eretz Yisroel tonight (Wednesday) in Flatbush.

The event scheduled for 8:00PM at Congregation Ahaba Ve Ahva [1744 Ocean Parkway near Kings Highway] in Flatbush, will have both Sephardic & Ashkenazi Rabbonim addressing the gathering.

A flyer advertising the event stated: “Please join Rabbis, community leaders & concerned citizens from all communities in an urgent meeting of prayer and protest!”

The evening’s program includes an exclusive video presentation and address by Mr. Morris Abraham, the owner of “Bait HaShalom” in Chevron.

Mr. Morris Abraham, is widely known in Brooklyn & the Deal Sephardic communities, as a long-time active member of Flatbush Hatzolah, and is a true Osek Bitzarchei Tzibur.

The flyer also asked the following questions:

*Why can our community businessman own property in Lebanon and Syria, but not in Chevron – the first Jewish city?

*Why are terrorists’ homes protected by Israel’s Supreme Court, while dedicated Jews are driven from their homes?

*Why is Israel retroactively “Koshering” illegal Bedouin homes and communities, while Jewish farms are being destroyed?

*Why are American Jewish organizations remaining silent while our civil and religious rights are being trampled on?

8 Responses

  1. Are there any sanctions of the rabbonim from the Moetzes Gedolei Hatorah to attend this meeting? What did the Moetzes in E”Y have to say about “Beit Hashalom”? It doesn’t sound like something that R. Elyashiv or R. Chaim Kanievsky shlita would support. If that’s the case then why is YWN sponsoring this event? Why don’t you (YWN editors) FIRST clarify that gedoleinu meoreinu stand behind anevent befor advertising it?

    Editors Response: If you can kindly show us where in this post it says anything about YWN being a sponsor of this event, we would be more than happy to address the lousy points made in your pathetic comment.

  2. #2 Exactly what is the problem with a gathering to support the JEWISH right to own property in Eretz Yisroel. If the people of Hevron aren’t allowed to own this house then Rav Elyashiv Shlita or Rav Kanievsky Shlita can’t own theirs.
    The Mir has no right to it’s Batei Midrashim. The People in Bnei Brak have no rights. And Guess what, No Jew in any country, Chas V’Shalom, has a right to own a house or property. What would that do to all of Klal Yisroel. #2 be careful what you wish for.

  3. To: “DaasTorahWtchdg”

    You got the “dog” part right.

    Why don’t you realize that these are fellow-Yidden who are crying out for justice and suffering persecution by our modern-day MisYavenim in Israel today–Olmert, Livni, Mazuz and Barak.

  4. DaasT..D.g
    Sounds like steam coming from your ears. We have to check with gedolim every time to get together to daven for someone, do I need the haskoma of the moetzes before I say tehillim for cholim? There is something that is bothering you and you are hiding behind a curtain of narishkeit.
    It is the time to daven for shalom beretz yisroel and for achenu in CHevron, Sderot and all over. If Mr. Abraham can NOT buy a home in CHevron, we will find out soon that all the homes in Beitar belong to Mohammad & Fatima.

  5. We have to realise that many Gedolim DO NOT support the position of the “settlers” (for lack of a better term). They put their own and others’ lives into danger, and provoke the goyim. OF COURSE this is a question for the Gedolim.

  6. #7 A.C.
    “We have to realise that many Gedolim DO NOT support the position of the “settlers””
    EVEN THE YESHIVOS, KOLLEIM, MOSDOS HATORAH OF THE SETTLERS OF BEITAR, KIRYAT SEFER, NVEI YAKOV, RAMAT SHLOMO, AND OTHERS???.. and there are the gedolim like the Bostoner Rebbe and Reb Ovadia Yosef that encourage, spend time, and give chizuk at every opportunity to the ‘pioneers of eretz yisroel’.
    “They put their own and others’ lives into danger, and provoke the goyim”
    1. How did the heligah Jews of the Yishuv Hayashon ever leave the old city and move into Meah Shearim, the goyim were so provoked, angered and even lifted arms against them.
    2.LATELY, the jews of England have been provoking the goyim by existing. Shame, shame on them.

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