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Rav Shalom Arush shlit”a Comes to North America

arushThis November 18-30, Rav Shalom Arush shlit”a will embark on his second ever North America tour. Rav Arush is the internationally acclaimed author of the entire “Garden” series, which has sold over 4 million copies. The most widely recognized books in the series are The Garden of Emuna, The Garden of Peace, and The Garden of Gratitude.

This tour, which will include Toronto, New York, and Mexico City, will focus on his newest book, The Garden of Healing. Its approach to health is unique and refreshing in a world where we are confused and oftentimes misled regarding healing and maintaining optimal health.

Among many other topics, this book resolves the famous question: what, if anything, does our medical intervention contribute to our healing? After all, if everything is in Hashem’s hands, then why do we need to do anything? And if we do intervene, why do treatments work some times and not work other times?

Also covered in this book is the understanding of where all types of illness stem from. We are taught that each physical ailment has its root in a spiritual ailment; yet many times, we fail to see the connection between the physical and the spiritual. As a result, many people unfortunately do not resolve the physical problem, and either it ends up coming back again and again as a chronic issue, or it manifests in different and more serious forms.

“Most importantly, I want to share the secret of true healing. This is my main mission on this tour,” says Rav Arush. “I see so much suffering, and want to give others the tools they need in order to have a speedy and complete recovery. No one should have to suffer needlessly.”

Rabbi Lazer Brody shlit”a will be joining the tour as translator.



6 Responses

  1. “Most importantly, I want to share the secret of true healing. This is my main mission on this tour,” says Rav Arush.So please post free links to the .PDF’s of your books and .MP3’s and .AVI’s of your lectures and seminars. If you aren’t willing to do this, then you are not really interested primarily in helping people.

  2. vadim,

    thats like saying the chafetz chaim should have given out free copies of mishneh brurah, if he was so interested in people learning halacha

  3. Is he a member of the Actors Guild?

    Professional actors are usually required to be union members in order to appear in many venues.

  4. Vadim is right!

    This visit will not bring any new information and the books are already available for everyone to buy.
    This sounds like a marketing campaign.
    There is nothing wrong with marketing your products in my opinion except if you charge people to listen to your marketing message.
    That’s just greedy.

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