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Barak Okay’s Infusion of Cash into Gaza to Save the Banks

barak1.jpgDefense Minister Ehud Barak on Wednesday approved the transfer of cash from a Ramallah bank to Gaza banks in a move intended to prevent the Gaza banking system from collapsing.

Barak gave the green light to infuse NIS 100 million in cash into Gaza following a request made directly to the Governor of the Bank of Israel Prof. Stanley Fischer by Palestinian Authority (PA) Prime Minister Salem Fayyad.

Fischer and other monetary experts fear if the Gaza banking system is permitted to collapse, it will lead to additional anarchy and further complicate the situation between Israel and Hamas controlled Gaza.

Once again, this move was not linked to the release of Gilad Shalit.

Earlier in the day, Barak met with Prime Minister Ehud Olmert and Foreign Minister Tzipi Livni to discuss the continued deterioration of the situation in Gaza. While Livni and Olmert are now in favor of a military response, Barak, who is supported by IDF Chief of Staff Lt.-Gen. Gabi Ashkenazi remains opposed to such a move at this time.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

7 Responses

  1. Now the terrorists are getting a bail out? And a bailout for what- for not killing enough of us?

    I hope this article is just a purim shpiel.

  2. it’s ok! the world is out of its mind for a while alredy. I am surprised that Israel has enough sechel to block entrance from gaza into israel. but why bail them out without any reciprocity?

  3. What a great baal teshuva Ehud will soon make. He posseses such stregth of will, obstinacy & the ability to go against the entire tide. For the meantime, however, we must suffer through his mischief.

  4. its easier and cheaper to give them the missiles and bombs…

    its always easier to extract jews from their houses than arabs and easier to give arabs money than yeshivos…

    they are the “erev rav” and we are the dor hamidbar….we all have work to do…lets get working

  5. I realize that this is a serious article that requires serious comment but can the editor lose the apostrophe in “Okay’s”? Thanks!

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