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Obama Calls on Illinois Governor to Resign

ot.jpgPresident-elect Barack Obama on Wednesday called for Democratic Illinois Gov. Rod Blagojevich to resign, a day after Blagojevich’s arrest on corruption charges.

“The president-elect agrees with [Illinois] Lt. Gov. [Pat] Quinn and many others that under the current circumstances it is difficult for the governor to effectively do his job and serve the people of Illinois,” Obama spokesman Robert Gibbs said.

FBI agents on Tuesday arrested Blagojevich and his chief of staff, John Harris, on federal corruption charges related in part to the selection of Obama’s successor to the Senate.

Obama’s former partner in the Senate, Sen. Dick Durbin, D-Illinois, has also called on Blagojevich to step down immediately.

“Beyond guilt or innocence, the charges against you raise serious questions about your ability to carry out your duties as chief executive of our state,” Durbin wrote in a letter sent to Blagojevich. 

Durbin also asked Blagojevich not to name a successor to Obama.

“Because of the nature of the charges against you, no matter whom you were to select, that individual would be under a cloud of suspicion. That would not serve our state, our nation, or the United States Senate,” Durbin wrote.

Even if Blagojevich named a replacement for Obama, it is unclear whether the Senate would seat the governor’s choice. The Constitution gives the Senate the sole authority to decide who is qualified to serve as a senator.

Gibbs said Obama also supported legislation that Illinois lawmakers will consider next week to authorize a special election to choose his successor.

Obama believes the lawmakers should “put in place a process to select a new senator that will have the trust and confidence of the people of Illinois,” Gibbs said.

The Illinois Legislature will begin a special session Monday to consider legislation that would authorize a special election to choose Obama’s successor.

Cindy Davidsmeyer, a spokeswoman for Illinois Senate President Emil Jones, said a House committee was scheduled to consider the bill Monday afternoon and then the full House would vote afterward.

The Senate could consider the legislation as soon as the next day, Davidsmeyer said.

Obama on Tuesday declined to comment on the arrest, saying, “Like the rest of the people of Illinois I am saddened and sobered by the news that came out of the U.S. attorney’s office.”

Obama also said he had not contacted Blagojevich about his possible successor, adding, “I was not aware of what was happening.”

But Obama adviser David Axelrod told a Chicago television station in November that Obama had spoken to the governor about his successor.

Axelrod corrected himself Tuesday, saying, that the president-elect and Blagojevich “did not then or at any time discuss the subject.”

(Source: CNN)

10 Responses

  1. Obama was at Wrights place for 20 years then denounced him.
    During his campaign he slammed Hillary on her lack of foreign experience and then appoints her as secratery of state.
    Now the Gov. his buddy, (how can he be senator and not be buddies with the gov.) he is calling for his resignation.
    He said that he would end the war in 16 months and then keeps Gates who thinks we need more time than that.
    We (or you) voted for him because of “change” and it was understood that it would change for the better and now he says it’s only gonna get worse.
    I’m afraid that with his poor judgement and choices it will get worse. Gut vet helfen.

  2. #2 Ayin Tov

    Your post is full of assumptions, misinformation, and false conclusions.

    – “Obama was at Wrights place for 20 years”
    What does that even mean? Did they live together?

    – “Now the Gov. his buddy, (how can he be senator and not be buddies with the gov.)”
    Just because you work in the same state government doesn’t mean you’re “buddies.”

    – “He said that he would end the war in 16 months and then keeps Gates who thinks we need more time than that.”
    You’re in the extreme minority if you think that taking Robert Gates out now would be a smart move. Let’s review in 16 months and we’ll see if Obama kept to his plan or not.

    – “I’m afraid that with his poor judgement”
    Don’t be so afraid. He’s making the right moves so far.

  3. Although I am no Obama fan I’m sure he would just love to see Mr. Blagojevich gone and this to all just go away. I wonder how Obama will react if Jesse Jackson Jr. is part of this mess. As I said I’m no Obama fan but even I can’t blame him for the actions of the idiot governor..

  4. Obama is praying this guy goes away quickly. Er hut moira the gov is gona start singing the obama tune.

    Something smells bad in the Prez Elect’s “office.”

  5. #3,
    You don’t know what it means that Obama was with Wright for 20 years? Hmmmm. Maybe I wasn’t clear.
    You forgot to give a weak rebutal regarding Clinton and the great change. But it’s alright we’ll be fine eventually. LIS, gut vet helfen.

  6. #8 ayin tov

    You were very clear – clear that you listen to talk radio and watch Fox News, but don’t care about the real truth.

    You really want me to explain to you how politics work? How Obama can criticize Hillary when they’re opponents, yet still elect her to office? Please tell me you’re not that naive.

  7. ayin tov,

    How do you figure that Obama and Blagojevich are “buddies”? Are Alaska governor Sarah Palin and former Alaskan Senator Ted Stevens also “buddies”? I didn’t think so, but according to your logic they are, making Palin guilty by association for Stevens’ crimes.

  8. justajew, rebshalom and anon: You’re joking right? Stop denying everything so that you can defend your “saviour”.

    Yes, he was closely linked to Blagojevich, maybe even “buddies”. He worked on the gov. campaign and endorsed him (even in 2006 when there were already allegations of corruption). Axelrod turned down Blagojevich’s re-election campaign because of the suspicions. Rahm Emanuel is another link.

    Yes, Obama was CLOSELY linked to Wright for many years.

    Your weltenschaaung is crumbling so you resort to name calling and bigotry (yes, rebshalom, bigotry against people who, shock horror, get news from Fox, unlike unbiased sources like CNN et al), shameful!

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