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NJ Memorial Service for Mumbai Victims Attended by Gov. Corzine, Newark Mayor Booker & Assemblyman Chivukula

mm.jpgHundreds remembered those killed in Mumbai, in a packed memorial service Thursday night in West Orange, NJ.

Dozens of Shluchim from all over New Jersey, and their congregants attended the memorial service, along with hundreds of Jews from all walks of life. State, county and local police were on hand to provide security. Hatzolah of North Jersey was on hand with an ambulance.

Rabbi Moshe Herson, Rosh Yeshiva of the Chabad Yeshiva in Morristown spoke about the Lubavitcher Rebbe’s reply to the Kfar Chabad village in Israel after a terrorist attack claimed the lives of four people there. “Bihemshich Habinyan Tenachamu – by continuing to build you will be comforted,” the Rebbe told them, and instructed them to buy even more land to add to the village. So too, Rabbi Herson said, Chabad shluchim will continue to increase their activities, and Chabad houses must continue to be open.

Rabbi Herson said that congress promised to start an investigation in January. Rabbi Herson called upon congress to begin investigating now to show the world that the United States does not stand for terror.

Rabbi Herson showed the audience a picture of the sefer torah that was shot in Mumbai, and showed how the bullet struck right at the portion of “Acharei Mos Shnei B’nei Aharon – after the death of the two sons of Aaron.” Rabbi Herson explained that the only answer was “Vayidom Aharon – Ahaon remained silent. So too, we cannot understand this event and remain silent.

Rabbi Herson concluded by asking everyone to take upon themselves one extra  mitzvah, and through that mitzvah, the Mumbai victims will live on.

New Jersey Governor Jon Corzine spoke about evil, and how evil exists among us. He spoke about how we must let good win over evil, and how we must repair the world through good.
Benjamin Krasna, the Israeli Deputy Council, spoke about how India, Israel, and the US all have common goals, and a common history. He said that all three countries were former English colonies, all three are democracies, all three developed quickly, and all three believe in peace.

New Jersey Assemblyman Upendra J. Chivukula, an Indian-American, spoke about the killed and wounded, and the evil of the terrorists, who he said not only killed the victims, but had tortured them first.

Mr. Chivukula said that India has always been friendly to the Jews, and throughout history has never persecuted it’s Jews.

Newark Mayor Cory Booker, put on a light blue yarmulka, and addressed the crowd, using Hebrew phrases and speaking about “this week’s parsha!” He said that Jacob left home, and went through much hardship but he was always a light to everyone around him. The speech was mostly about the need for unity and oneness for all people. Mayor Booker concluded by pledging to keep the “light and love” in Newark, and promised to always be there for the Jewish community.

Mr. Stanley Stone, of the Federation of Central NJ spoke about the need for unity in Klal Yisroel. He also addressed members of the press, stating these are not militants, they are terrorists, who would have killed any of us. The entire audience clapped.

The program concluded with Holocaust survivor Jacob Kolten singing the Ani Ma’amin that was sung in the concentration camps.

(North Jersey Reporter for YWN)

4 Responses

  1. eric, the Newark mayor going to prison is not Booker but Sharpe James… get your facts straight before you spout rubbish against someone who says he wants to be your friend and let me remind you that this is a public forum read by all

  2. Wow what a Kiddush Hashem! If only we as yidden could come together just as politicians of all levels in NJ did, Moshiach would have been here already.

  3. Yes, this Mayor is a real mentsh.. He is a friend and a truly intelligent man.
    It is always a good idea to check your facts before commenting. I guess #1 will be more careful from now on. We all do make mistakes and if we learn from our mistakes it is called a lesson.

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