Doesn’t this politician support to’eiva marriages and shellfish eating?
I wonder if they brought up the fact that they were upset with the Governor for signing into law kosvim kesuva mishgav zachar? Or was it business as usual – $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$?! It would be a tremendous Kiddush Hashem if they would show Kvod Shomayim and publicly endorse Rob Astorino for Governor! They won’t lose a single “freebee” if he wins!
How come only the rebbe and one other person were wearing a shtreimel ?
@bp yidd
It’s the Rebbe’s graddaughter’s weeek of sheva brochos so he and the other guy (I’m assuming he is family) are wearing shtreimels…….
4 Responses
Doesn’t this politician support to’eiva marriages and shellfish eating?
I wonder if they brought up the fact that they were upset with the Governor for signing into law kosvim kesuva mishgav zachar? Or was it business as usual – $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$?! It would be a tremendous Kiddush Hashem if they would show Kvod Shomayim and publicly endorse Rob Astorino for Governor! They won’t lose a single “freebee” if he wins!
How come only the rebbe and one other person were wearing a shtreimel ?
@bp yidd
It’s the Rebbe’s graddaughter’s weeek of sheva brochos so he and the other guy (I’m assuming he is family) are wearing shtreimels…….