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First Hand Account of Police Brutality in Bet HaShalom

ev.jpgOne of the people targeted by police using unjustifiable force to evict residents from Bet HaShalom last week as Nadia Matar, a resident of Efrat and co-chairwoman of Women in Green, a grassroots non-governmental right-wing organization.

Matar moved into the building sometime ago, and her face is well due to her years of activities on behalf of furthering the yishuv movement. When police spotted her during the evacuation, she was grabbed by the legs by Yassam commando officers and they pulled her out of the building as her head smashed the stairs and pavement. She was dragged outside all the while her head was against the pavement and stone.

When they got out of the building, somehow she managed to stand and begin speaking to reporters. At that time, they pulled her back into the building and began beating her with their batons.

YWN spoke with her husband on Sunday, Dr. David Matar, a prominent Jerusalem pediatrician, who told this reporter that “Nadia sustained some serious blows and Baruch Hashem, she is recovering”. She was the most seriously injured of the victims transported to Shaare Zedek Medical Center. He explained “for sometime, she was in spinal shock, unable to move her hands and legs. I was bracing for the worst but Baruch Hashem, her sensation returned and while she is very sore, she is recovering and functioning with difficulty.”

It is imperative to point out that Matar was unarmed and did not use any force against security forces who grabbed her and began beating her without provocation, without any regard for her physical injuries or her basic rights.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

14 Responses

  1. Unless the violence stops among police and Iraeli soldiers against innocent Jews, we in America should refuse to say the prayer for the state or the Tzahal.

    They don’t deserve our tefillos.

  2. Dr. Matar was our children’s pediatrician when we lived in Israel. He is a wonderful Dr. who would say that though he was sorry that our child was sick, he was happy to see us so that he could hear a Dvar Torah from my husband and share one as well. I am in shock over the brutality of the Israeli police, they are coming in a close second to the terrorists! Once again we are reminded to daven hard for the coming of Moshiach. I hope Nadia will have a refuah shleima and that the soldiers who did brutalized her are put in jail.

  3. YWN When there are Yiden in yerishlayem Who are moucha for ka’dishas yerishlayem and police give tham makos with brutality DO YOU ALSO POST THAT ?

    Moderators Note: Always. Use the search box located in the top left corner on the homepage for this. Here is one example:

    An apology would be nice…..although it won’t happen….

  4. I don’t understand why if the high court ruled to evacuate, we have people who refuse to obey the law, say they will fight the police etc., and then complain when they get hurt. They knew this was coming.

  5. Realist
    would this type of treatment be considered unfair if during and eviction, same exact story execpt the victim was and Arab?
    If yes why?
    If no why?

  6. ceor: the argument here is weather such a ruling is lawful.
    If a court decided that your are occupying your home illegally, and must evacuate with no compensation whatsoever, would you just leave?

  7. # 1&2 – I find your posts very offensive. Why would you not want to say tefillot for our soldiers who show real mesirat nefesh in our perpetual war against a wicked enemy. This is the same enemy that perpetuated the attacks in Mumbai. OUR soldiers are fighting a Milchemet Mitzva.
    I think a Hiloni who is moser nafsho for Am Yisrael and Eretz Yisrael most certainly deserves our tefililot. It is no wonder that Gilad Shalit among others are still in captivity when you refuse to daven for them – please wake up !
    The problem is not the individual soldiers but the government who sent them. Anybody who has actually read the tefilla for the medina would have noticed that we ask Hashem to give our so-called leaders the wisdom to make the correct decisions. Adraba this time more than any time we should all be screaming out this tefilla each and every day.
    Do you really not want shalom in EY that you refuse to say this tefilla ?

  8. #5: you are wrong. The High Court did no such thing.
    They were actually in the midsts of negotiations with Barak the Minister of Defense no less!

  9. Michal: Since the expulsion from Gush Katif, many shuls that DO recite the prayer for the welfaare of our soldiers & security forces have added ONE word which takes care of the problem you raise. After the phrase, “v’yishlach bracha v’hatzlacha b’chol ma’asei y’deihem,” we add the word, “L’tova”, for the good. Indeed, MAY HASHEM send his blessing and success for all of their holy efforts for the good! We wouldn’t be around for too long in Eretz Yisrael without our Defense & Security Forces who are “omdim al mishmar Artzeinu v’Arei Elokeinu,” who stand in defense of the borders of the Holy Land and the Cities of G-d.

    Ceor: You should know that there was NO such court order. The so-called “Supreme Court” only said that the gov’t may decide to evacuate the house, not that it MUST. Don’t forget, the property was bought LEGALLY, with CASH, and the transaction was FILMED. In such a case, don’t you think that the occupants should have remained on the premises until a court ruled otherwise???

  10. Michal, they don’t “deserve” your Tefillos?

    הצדיקים הטהורים אינם קובלים על הרשעה אלא מוסיפים צדק. אינם קובלים על הכפירה אלא מוסיפים אמונה. אינם קובלים על הבערות אלא מוסיפים חכמה

  11. In most countries in the middle east, people who refuse to do what the government says, and fight the police, end up a lot worse. If you want to live in a country with civil rights, rule of law, etc., try staying in the United States (at least the police would have been a bit nicer about arresting the protesters – though in America, civil disobedience usually involves peacefully getting into the paddy wagon when you get arrested).

  12. If New York Cops did what those Black-shirted Russian-Goyim-mercenary “Yassams” did, there would be headlines in all the papers, and the Police Chief would have to resign.

    Livni and Barak are brutal thugs.

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