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Motzei Shabbos News Roundup from Eretz Yisrael

ywnisrael.jpg**Mortar rockets landed near Netiv HaAsarah in southern Israel close to Shabbos. There were no injuries.

** 17:28: Katyusha rockets fired from Gaza on motzei Shabbos landed in the Ashkelon area. No injuries were reported.

** Mispalalim in a Ramat Gan shul were evacuated on Shabbos due to a blaze in an adjoining building. There were no injuries. They were permitted to return to the shul after the blaze was extinguished.

** IDF officials deny a report from Hamas-controlled Gaza on motzei Shabbos that a terrorist was killed by an IDF shell.

** Police report that settlers set an Arab home ablaze in Chevron on Shabbos. No arrests were reported.

** German police in eastern Berlin on Shabbos arrested tens of people who tried to prevent neo-Nazis from marching.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

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