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A Bit of Background on the Bet HaShalom

711.jpgBet HaShalom, or the House of Controversy as the media prefers to call it in Israel, was purchase by the Chevron Jewish community for close to $1 million, part of ongoing efforts to reclaim Jewish land and expand the Holy City.

A number of Arabs, aware of the left-leaning political slant of the judicial system in Israel, decided to take advantage and they challenged the sale in the district court. The Chevron community however is experienced in such matters, and as such, the sale was documents on film, in writing and any way possible, obtaining testimony and redundancy regarding legal documents, well-aware everything that takes place in Chevron is subject to the scrutiny to the Israeli left.

The district court has been hearing the case, but suddenly, the matter was presented to the Supreme Court, and in its anti-Jewish ultra-libertarian way, indicated it will not interfere in the ownership dispute between the Jews and Arabs.

In the name of fairness however, the court ordered the occupants of the legally acquired property to leave the building until such time the matter is adjudicated in the district court, knowing very well this could take years.

It is obvious to all that Chevron is being rebuilt with a level of mesirus nefesh that one does not find elsewhere. I myself know that upon my arrival in Eretz Yisrael in 1984, I tried moving in but there were no available caravans. The government over the years refused to permit the expansion of the community, thereby permitting opponents to shout “take them out. It is only a few hundreds people”. Yes indeed, the community is small but it continues to accomplish a great deal, despite the uphill battle against the governments of Israel, including the so-called right-wing. Perhaps this is a fitting time to remind readers that then-Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu, today’s new Jabotinsky centrist party, handed Chevron over to the PA (Palestinian Authority).

Nevertheless, Chevron leader remain firm in their belief and their cause, and today, the uphill battle continues to bring a Jewish Torah life back to the City of our Forefathers.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

8 Responses

  1. Although I admire the mesiras nefesh of the settlers of Bet Shalom and elsewhere, and the events in Chevron sadden me greatly, we must remember that Rav Shach, Zt”l, and other gedolim always said that we should not keep land if it it’s dangerous. Giving up parts of Yerushalyim or even the Golan Heights, besides being painful, would put Yidden in strategic danger (as was giving up Gush Katif) and we should, therefore, fight it. However, even though Chevron is so Kadosh, the fight in Bet SHalom is for nationalisic reasons,an “in-your-face” battle, and is therefore not so clearly a fight the “Yeshiva World” should be supporting.

  2. If they were following zionist law, they have to accept the zionist rules (including getting approval from the government, following Israel court rulings)

    If they were following Palestinian rules, they needed approval from the Palestinian Authority.

    They got neither.

  3. In the name of fairness however*******- LEFT WING, anti-Jewish fairness.

    “we must remember that Rav Shach, Zt”l, and other gedolim always said that we should not keep land if it it’s dangerous”

    “Giving up parts of Yerushalyim or even the Golan Heights would put Yidden in strategic danger (as was giving up Gush Katif) and we should, therefore, fight it” **************
    ANY AND ALL APPEASEMENT TO THE ENEMY IS A DANGER TO HUMAN LIFE, the Chazon Ish advised a family living in Kfar Saba in the ’30s that it was assur to move (they came to ask a shayla since their livestock and property were being stolen nightly by guess who, the arabs), since it will place the next line of residents in danger.

    “If they were following zionist law, they have to accept the zionist rules (including getting approval from the government, following Israel court rulings)”***** Every country has a system of legalities, this action was perpetuated by the media and independent conceited political leaders, not by law. Read the decision by the courts and it is readily understood.

  4. #3, akuperma, your view is outside the scope of this matter. Land was purchased, a long and tedious process, and there is enough evidence to support proof of purchase. You speak of Zionist law and palestinian rules. Show me any law or rules where a purchase is not a purchase.

    The fact this purchase is being challenged (and on what basis- you dont know), and in that process those already living in the land, with proof of purchase, have to leave, that is unjust. I wonder why you dont see that. Suppose Native Americans today challenged the land your home is on and in the process you have to vacate. I am sure you would not easily acquiesce.

  5. #1, you said it. Giving land to the PA or releasing terrorists is killing jews, but there’s no inyun to stay in chevron when it’s just creating more Chillul Hashem.

  6. Who gave either the Zionists or the Arabs the right to veto a purchase of land between a willing buyer and a willing seller?

    This house is strategically sited to protect the route from Kiryat Arba to Chevron.

    The bottom line is that this is antisemitic discrimination; if an Arab had bought the building there would be no problem, but because the buyers was Jewish they are being evicted. If something like that were to happen in America we would be out in the streets over it, and we would resist the eviction with force. If it happened in France we would be organising boycotts and demonstrations. We would certainly have no problem calling it by its name: antisemitism. So why is it that when it’s done by Israel it becomes kosher?

  7. it is too bad that those youths resposible for the hefkeirus that the media is feasting on dont have a central figure to whom they would listen too at times like this.

    i really hope that soon a gadol b’torah will rise up from within the dati leumi camp and be able to capture their hearts. its mamash chaval.

    with da’ass torah we would be able to win and without it i feel that we are helpless against the secular and their war against the torah.

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