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TONIGHT – Special Community-Wide Kinus in Flatbush

HAKHEL urgently announces a Flatbush Community-Wide Kinus Teshuva VeHisorerus for the Mumbai Kedoshim to be held  this Thursday Evening –8 Kislev (December 4) at the Agudas Yisroel Bais Binyomin, 2913 Avenue L in the Main Shul. The concise and meaningful Program  begins at 9:00PM sharp with Divrei Hisorerus by HaRav Shmuel Dishon, Shlita. Maariv at 9:30,
followed by Tehillim B’Tzibbur. Men and women are urged to attend. For further informartion, please call (718) 253-5497. Our Achdus is powerful and essential. ACHEINU KOL BAIS YISROEL–Please spread the word.

Please help organize a Kinus in your neighborhood if they do not yet have one. Yidden–Achdus!!

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