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Chevron Community Under Attack

hamas.jpgThe Arabs in the area of Chevron’s Bet HaShalom have learned that with the hostile environment against the Jewish community among senior ministers and the in the media, the time is right to step-up violence and attacks, and they are doing just that.

At least 20 people were injured in rock-throwing attacks on Tuesday, including 16-year-old Eliyasaf Amos ben Nurit, who last night was listed in serious condition in Jerusalem’s Hadassah Ein Kerem Hospital. He was undergoing emergency surgery for his head injuries sustained when he was struck with a cinderblock.

Security officials have announced that the Arab areas of the city are now declared a ‘closed military zone’ in the hope of curbing the violent attacks. Defense Minister Ehud Barak has also announced they plan to issue administrative orders to distance those who he views as instigators to violence. The area around Bet HaShalom is also a ‘closed military zone’ in the hope of preventing additional supporters from reaching the area. Police have made a number of arrests during Tuesday’s violence.

Community leaders continue efforts to maintain calm, but they explain they will not sit idly by when attacked.

Security officials report that Jews indiscriminately smashed windows of Arab vehicles, damaged gravestones in the Muslim cemetery, painted graffiti in Arab areas and also damaged security vehicles.

It would appear that any attempt to evict the tenants of the multi-story building will be met with formidable resistance.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

10 Responses

  1. For any of you who have ever been involved in political advocacy you must know that a gentile will always first watch to see how the Jewish politicians act towards the Jewish community.
    We sadly have an Israeli government who places little value on Jerusalem and so this legitimizes the world wide efforts of Governments everywhere against our right to keep Jerusalem.
    When Jews are attacked and forced from their homes in Israel- Jews are attacked and forced from their homes every where else including India.

    Olmert can pay whatever lip service he wishes his actions speak thunderous volumes.

    Have we not seen enough Jewish blood spilled?
    Must we watch our brothers fight to keep our Meoras Hamachpelah?

    Yesterday was Gush Katif!
    Today its Chevron!
    Tomorrow R”L……

    SHAME on OlMERT and LIVNI and shame on us for not coming to the aid of CHEVRON!

    Klal yisroel stand up!

  2. Bush does not need to flex muscles for Georgia now. Where is he on behalf of our ally Israel who also is sharing the fight in the War on Terror?

  3. #3, while there are certainly cases where we have a right to be upset with Israeli leadership, it does not mean that if a person’s character is truly such that they want to do the right thing.

    Are you saying Bush helped out in Iraq because the Iraqis wanted us to help them? And that the Georgians wanted us to threaten Russia for them? But in the case of Israel, Bush says the Jews dont care if we help them?

    To what end will people back Bush just to kvel that a powerful goy is not so horrible to them? If a Jew sat and taught Torah and hashkofah to Bush, they would see just where the dividing line is on how close he is to us. Being patronized because a nonjew feels they get a personal blessing by being nice to us but philosophically they hold to ideas about us that are offensive, via their religion, is something I am not impressed with.

  4. Or, in simpler terms, either you are not expecting anything from Bush or you are defending him for some reason. I would not expect you to be making a sarcastic remark to “one of us” at the expense of a George Bush from Texas.

  5. #4
    I am not sure what your specific issue is with my thoughts however let me clarify for articulation sake-
    While we must push and prod our American Gov to support Israel and its security needs, it is very difficult for us here in America to push for a united Jerusalem from our political leaders when the Israelis themselves are willing to part with it.
    It was very clear going into Annapolis that Olmert was operating as much on his own in search of a legacy as much as President Bush.
    When pressure started mounting on the American administration to lay off, the response came back that this was Olmert more than us.

    That Pres Bush has been a great friend to Israel in the face of the entire world is obvious the problem I have is with an Israeli Government that has little use for holy cities and site i.e. Chevron and chooses to prosecute their objectives over the protests of its own people.
    I think we can agree that the treatment of Jews expelled from Gaza and those being harassed in Yehuda, Shomron and now Chevron is despicable.

  6. I think we can agree that the treatment of Jews expelled from Gaza and those being harassed in Yehuda, Shomron and now Chevron is despicable.
    WE ALL AGREE, beware this harassment will continue to all areas outside of the green line. (who drew this line???) I bet some of you are not even aware which communities that applies to, me, you & our children are living there now.

  7. To all soldiers officers in Chevron

    Its much more fun watching arabs attack jews
    than fighting arabs.

    Have fun – the government will assure no udge / court will hold you for it.

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