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Person Stabbed in Boro Park

staroflife.gif12:50AM EST: The NYPD and Boro Park Shomrim are currently searching for 2 Hispanic males wanted for stabbing a Yungerman in front of 1335 50th Street – in Boro Park. Boro Park Hatzolah transported the man to Lutheran Trauma Center with three stab wounds. He is reportedly in stable condition.

The motive of the attackers are unknown, and the NYPD is trying to ascertain if any CCTV cameras in the area captured the attack.

Any further details will be added as they become available to YWN

(Yehuda Drudgestein – YWN / YWN-104 / YWN-170 O/S)

9 Responses

  1. why is it that your all focusing on the facts of the story?! why are we all not asking for his name to daven for him? are we not getting the message!!! our brothers are being killed and hurt in- India, Chevron, Brooklyn …. and all your thinking is that we need more street lights!!! thats not why this happens to us!! its because we dont see the LIGHT Hashem is begging for us to do Teshuva and all we do is talk about who did it…..

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