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Degel HaTorah Leader Decides to Step Down

ravitz.jpgAfter consulting with Gedolei Torah and his family, Degel HaTorah leader and veteran MK Rav Avraham Ravitz had decided to leave the political arena. He will not be seeking reelection on the United Torah Judaism slate in the upcoming election for the 18th Knesset.

Ravitz began his Knesset career in the 12th Knesset in 1988, and since then, has held numerous posts including; deputy minister of housing & construction, welfare & social services, education, as well as chairman of the finance committee and a member of many other committees.

According to reports, the 74-year-old Ravitz will remain chairman of the Degel faction of UTJ. There are also rumors he will be moving to a senior Chinuch Atzmai post.

Ravitz’s decision leaves a major void in the Degel lineup.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

4 Responses

  1. A real askan. He has been a shlucha dirachmona since he was a bochur in chevron. He was involved with “peilim” and helped out the morrocan and yemeni olim. I wish him well in his endeavors. May hkb”h grant him many more healthy years and nachas from his choshuva mishpacha.

  2. He’s a wonderful person. At the same time, you should know that one of the original goals of degel was that there would be fresh blood in the party- unlike agudah. There is very little justification for the degel reps to be in their position for 20 years.

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