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Bloomberg: Tough Times Won’t Stop Raises for City’s Workers

bloom 1010.jpg.jpgThe fiscal crisis may wipe out 3,000 city jobs, dental clinics may close and property owners may not get their $400 rebate check, but Mayor Bloomberg still wants to give deserving city workers a raise.

“More than ever before we want to [incentivize] our employees,” the mayor said. Asked if he’d ditch raises to save jobs, the mayor said no.

“I’ve always thought that we should have a better-paid work force even if it has to be smaller because we want people to focus on providing the services that the public needs rather than worrying how they’re going to put food on the table,” he said.

That doesn’t mean Bloomberg’s going out of his way to find great employees who deserve extra cash.

The only formal programs that pay workers more for their performance are in the schools, where principals and some teachers can collect if test scores rise.

Mayoral spokesman Marc LaVorgna said department managers can raise a worker’s pay – as long as they meet Bloomberg’s mandate to cut 2.5% from their budgets this year and 5% next year.

(Source: NY Daily News)

3 Responses

  1. What is going on with this trend where taxpayers are losing financial ground while others are asking the taxpayer to make up for THEIR deficit. Bailouts upon bailouts to help other keep what taxpayers are losing. And now one person giving up 400 dollars from the govt while the govt gives the man next to him a raise in this economic climate? ONLY private enterprises who profit should offer raises. It should be an impeachable offense for any government official to have government workers, at this time, take extra money. Who is the guy in the pic and what happened to the real Mayor Bloomberg who was known as a reasonable person.

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