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9:31AM IL: Update from Mumbai

Fifteen hours since Mumbai came under attack, there does not appear to be an end in sight to the situation which involves an unknown number of terrorists in different venues. Officials believe 5-6 terrorists remain in the Chabad House. There are also a number of people that have now been evacuated from the area of the Nariman House and there is speculation that a “major action” may soon take place.

The top two floors of the Chabad House (Nariman House) are occupied by locals while the bottom two floors are used by Chabad and Israelis. The three hostages who escaped the Nariman House (Chabad House) seem to be a local national, the Holtzberg family nanny, Rivka Holtzberg and a daughter. They were taken directly to a medical facility for a checkup.

Mumbai media reports state that until now, six bodies have been removed from the Taj Hotel. Terrorists are still at large in the Taj and another hotel.

The death toll now stands at 100 with 187 or more wounded. Among the dead are local security forces, including the police department’s anti-terror chief and at least one senior minister.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

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