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Thank You Rabbi Bloom

bloom2.jpgThis Motzai Shabbos at the National Agudah convention, Klal Yisroel will pay  tribute to Rabbi Shmuel Bloom, the veteran Agudah leader and world – renowned Torah Askan upon his retirement as Executive Vice- President of Agudas Yisroel of America. As Rabbi Chaim Dovid Zwiebel assumes this position, these two tireless Askanim whose very lives breath Agudas Yisroel and Ahavas Yisroel, were both shaped and molded by the legendary Agudah leader Rabbi Moshre Sherer Z’L himself. The Organization’s press release speaks volumes “It will be a passing from dear friend to dear friend and from one confidant of Gedolei Yisroel to another.”

While change is bittersweet, this is a moment to reflect on the past, show Hakoras Hatov and renew our lion- hearted communal spirit. Today’s turbulent times demands nothing less. It is to Rabbi Blooms credit that the Agudah finds itself well positioned to take on the new and complex challenges facing us.

As a genuine servant of the Klal –  Reb Shmuel is a Kohen, whose very being personifies Kedoshim Tehiu. Having the full confidence of Gedolai Yisroel, Admorim and Rabbonim from across the spectrum requires great intellect, keen understanding and wisdom.

As a trusted confidant and assistant to Rabbi Sherer Z”L , under Rabbi Bloom’s direction, the Agudah  implemented many now famous programs benefiting thousands including: project COPE, Keren Hashvies, Project YES and none more relevant or timely then PCS, the vaunted job procurement program. Relief projects like the Iranian Rescue Committee, Vaad L’Hatzolas Nidchei Yisroel, Operation Open Curtain and countless others were successfully created with Reb Shmuels imprint.

Standing at Rabbi Sherer’s side, numerous fights against indecency and intolerance, at home and abroad, were organized. Together with Rabbi Chaskel Besser, Jewish cemetery preservation across Eastern Europe became an American Government priority and Kavud Hamais found a champion in none other than Klal Yisroel’s dedicated Kohen.

Inyonai Hatzibur, Kedushas Eretz Yisroel and Kavod Habrios are the very essence of Agudas Yisroel and for the past ten years Rabbi Shmuel Bloom was at the helm, carrying on his mentor’s legacy.

Today, wearing a Yamulkah in the secular work place or leaving work early for Shabbos with no fear of retribution, is B”H taken for granted. It must be known that the Agudah fought and continues those battles every day with Rabbi Bloom and Rabbi Zwiebel leading the charge. Invented and pursued by Rabbi Sherer, the groundbreaking initiatives of government aid/school choice have become an important focal point and mission of the seven offices that the Agudah has opened in  California, Illinois, Ohio, Maryland, Florida, Texas and  New Jersey- all to serve Klal Yisroel more effectively. These impressive activities and investments of resources have all come under the leadership and direction of Rabbi Bloom since Rabbi Sherers Z”L petira.

An organization that is 87 years young, the Agudah now looks to you and me for renewed vigor, vitality and strength. Public service is sadly viewed as old fashioned- yet the stakes have never been  higher or more urgent. Let us not bemoan the precarious state we find ourselves in, rather let us roll up our sleeves and get to the task of solving our problems- “TOGETHER” as Rabbi Sherer Z”L famously proclaimed.

Getting the job done and helping Klal Yisroel, was and is his only goal – a lesson that we all might learn better. The serene and knowing smile constantly displayed by Rabbi Bloom comes from his full confidence and experience that Gedolai Yisroel know better. Emunas Chachomim is no cheap slogan, it is simply his Metzious.

It is my personal hope that Klal Yisroel realizes just how special a role Rabbi Bloom and the Agudah has and continues to play in our development as a thriving community. Whatever your political or ideological persuasions may be, all of our lives are immeasurably better because of the tremendous Avodas Hakodesh of this dedicated public servant.

This week, we have an opportunity to salute Reb Shmuel’s decades of monumental accomplishments on our behalf.

I will be there – so should you.

Chaskel Bennett

14 Responses

  1. I had the the opportunity to work for Rabbi Bloom and the Agudah for a number of years. Although mistakes were made, most notably with the last Siyum Hashas,Rabbi Bloom was always the consumate mentch. I wish him all the best, he deserves it.

  2. there are very few young leaders in the agudah now. today the boys say that they are tired or i have to go learn . that is why today the pirchei groups are much smaller or completely combined boys ages from six to thirteen. that never happened years ago when i was a kid growing up.

  3. With all the respect in the world, we have many problems today. what is the difference who is in or who is out, The Aguda is an organization that is only as strong as we want it to be.These days everybody is a boss and chas V’sholom the Rabonim tell us something we dont want to hear! The Aguda is doing its job- are we?
    We read story after story about this issue and that crisis and most of us just move on. Some actually take the time to write a comment.
    Still some more find the easy excuse to bash.
    How important it is to see a problem and try to fix it. Kids at risk, Shiduchim, Parnosah the list goes on and on. We are in big trouble.
    Get busy fixing. #5 Stop worrying about politics.
    There is plenty to go around without your help. We are our own worst enemy.Men like R’ Bloom and R’ Zwibel should be held up high for our kids to admire.

  4. Rabbi Bloom isn’t that young. He has worked tirelessly for decades. Not always does politics play a part. Sometimes people make personal decisions. And to Rabbi Bloom’s credit, he never tried to fill Rabbi Sherer’s shoes, an impossible task. He wants to devote time to himself and his family. Nothing wrong with that.

  5. #3 —ther are young leaders who are stepping up. there are a group of “hemshech doros” members who are following in the ways their parents did in their agudah involvment

  6. Well said, Chaskel. Readers should know, that this, coming from a man like Chaskel Bennett who is a doer not just a speaker. A young active askan himself, Chaskel knows firsthand what the Agudah, Rabbi Bloom and askonus is about. I read this letter and I say to myself “The man is right!”… and Oh… I’ll be there too!

  7. To further address earlier comments regarding the next generation of Agudah leadership: you have Chaskel and others representing the next generation of lay leaders and you have Yechiel Kailish leading a whole group of regional offices around the country run by capable and articulate bnai Torah all in their 30’s. That is your next “dor” and it should bez”H be a truly exciting one with the staff they have assembled.

  8. We need nore people like Rabbi Blum in Klal yisroel,

    One thing I can say knowing Chaskel Benett for over 20 years. He is a person that we must stand up for to go out there and always ready to help Klal Yisroel

  9. The mission that the agudah has set forth is very important. Let’s hope that under the leadership of rabbi zwiebel it would only grow. To comment number one, what mistakes were made at the siyum hashas? It was the biggest maamad of kiddush hashem that I ever attended.

  10. #4
    I don’t think he had the option of staying. GW is trying to give the Agudah a new look and bring in some youth.
    Although the Agudah is a great organization, Rabbi Bloom deserves much more, and will be heading into something more chashuv and forfilling.

  11. where can I find recordings of the agudah convention 08. kol haloshon removed it, it was requested to remove the recordings.

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