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Weiss Promises Staunch Resistance at Bet HaShalom

Prominent Greater Land of Israel activist and long-time Yesha Council official Daniela Weiss on Monday morning told Galei Tzahal (Army Radio) that she and the growing number of supporters of Bet HaShalom have no intentions of walking away from the legally acquired property.

She added that support is growing and as a result, she remains confident at the end, the government will not order a forced eviction, realizing the numbers are overwhelming.

When asked to explain, based on the post-Gush Katif realities, she stated that if a force is sent to remove them, the “strength” (Otzma was the word she used) exhibited will be “Amona plus, plus, plus, plus”, seeking to give a qualitative air to the staunch opposition that will be exerted towards defending the home and prevent the removal of Jews. She elaborated by warning “Amona will be dwarfed by the resistance that will be seen at Bet HaShalom”.

In the meantime, right-wing marchers from around the country are heading towards Chevron in preparation for a standoff against Israel Police and other security forces.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

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