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Eretz Yisroel: No Rain in the Forecast

Forecasters are in agreement, that there is no rain in the forecast for the coming days. Galei Tzahal (Army Radio) reports that in November, records indicate average rainfall being 60-70 centimeters but this year, total November rainfall in Tel Aviv is recorded to be 8cm.

Obviously rabbonim are aware of the significance, as is Am Yisrael, with gedolim calling on Am Yisrael to daven and improve our ways to merit bountiful rainfall, especially following a Shmitah year and a number of years of drought.

Experts warn that if this year’s accumulative rainfall is not significantly more than previous years, rationing may be implemented this spring/summer, not just for farmers and commercial use, but perhaps at home as well.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

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