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PHOTOS: Hatzolah of Los Angeles Disaster Preparedness & Safety Fair BBQ

3.jpg(PHOTO LINK AT END OF ARTICLE) Hatzolah of Los Angeles’s Disaster Preparedness & Safety Fair BBQ which took place on Sunday was a great success. There were more than 3,500 people in attendance from all areas of the Jewish community. Additionally, several local dignitaries were in attendance including the Los Angeles City Fire Department Chief of Fire Douglas  Barry, Assemblyman John Perez and LAPD Deputy Chiefs Michael Moore and Terry Hara.

Hatzolah of Los Angeles took time out during this event to remember one of their beloved community members, Reb Naftoli Smolyansky, z”l,  who was taken from us not so long ago.  This was an opportunity for the community to express its hakaros hatov to the Lake Piru Rangers and park management for their help during the search at Lake Piru, CA.  Their attendance at the BBQ was commemorated with presentations of plaques of thanks presented by Hatzolah of Los Angeles Chairman, Mr. Zvika Brenner, on behalf of Hatzolah of Los Angeles and the Los Angeles Community.

There was a tremendous BBQ that was enjoyed by all and a coordinated exercise which included members of the LAFD and Hatzolah working together to extract a “patient” trapped within a car.  LAFD used their Jaws of Life to cut thru the automobile…not only was this a great demonstration for the community but also provided Hatzolah with additional experience working with LAFD.

PHOTO LINK: Click HERE for photos.

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