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Netanyahu the Democrat Seeking to Accommodate his New Princes & Oust Feiglin

Fearing a number of his new stars will not find themselves in a realistic position on the Likud Party 18th Knesset lineup, party leader Binyamin Netanyahu is now working to amend the primary election process that was decided upon less than a week ago.

Netanyahu appears to have lost in his struggle to block Moshe Feiglin who represents the Manhigut Yehudit faction in the party, and by all accounts, Feiglin will land a realistic slot on the lineup, about 21, assuring him a place in the 18th Knesset.

Netanyahu, who presents himself as a champion of democratic values, has done everything within his power to have Feiglin banned from the party. Turning to the party’s court and other measures have failed.

Feiglin, a Shomer Shabbos Jew, represents the old Likud principles, on which the party was founded, a belief in a Greater Eretz Yisrael and the Jewish right to all parts of the land. Today, he presents a threat to the new Likud centrist image, prompting Netanyahu to seek to block his advance as he works to take over Likud from the inside.

In any event, Netanyahu  is now concerned with the reality that some of the news ‘stars’ will not find themselves on the party’s list in a real slot, somewhere in the first 30-33 positions, to ensure their seat in the next Knesset. Some of the new all stars include Moshe Ya’alon, Dan Meridor, Uzi Dayan, Assaf Chafetz, Ze’ev Jabotinsky, Tal Brodi, and Miri Regev.

Interestingly, along the party’s new centrist image lines, Netanyahu has yet to give the green light for MK Effie Eitam to run for a slot on the party lineup. Eitam, a former IDF brigadier-general, is identified with the right-wing hawkish camp but many Likud veterans fear his inclusion on the ballot may give the party and unwanted air of extremism. Eitam passed on the opportunity to join the new right-wing bloc, and as a result of Likud shunning him, he may find himself on the unemployment line following Election Day.

Moving back to Feiglin, Netanyahu hopes amending the primary election rules will keep out two members of Feiglin’s ticket, running on the party’s new immigrant slot, but others fear that while this is so, “others” will use the platform to introduce unwanted changes in the rules that may outweigh the benefit of manipulating the rules against Feiglin and securing slots for the all-star lineup.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

4 Responses

  1. Not to be rude, but Likud has a well established ideology and Feiglin has a well established ideology, and they aren’t the same. Feiglin trying to “take over” Likud would make as much sense as Obama trying to take over the Republicans, or Palen trying to take over the Democrats. Likud is a right-center party, with strongly capitalist views, favoring territorial compromise in return for peace, tolerating traditional Judaism, and supporting full rights for goyim. Feiglin doesn’t agree with any of that (except perhaps capitalism, but I suspect he’s pro-welfare for the poor), so why should Likud allow him in.

  2. because no ideas are written in stone and that there is no more relevant place to talk abt truth then in the likud party and that through action and revealing the silenced traditional jewish identity of the masses is best for the jewish people not to talk to yourself in some small party and again a statistic showed that 80% of likud views themselves as jews first before Israeli

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