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Al-Qaida #2 Insults Obama, Calls Him ‘Dishonorable’

al.jpgAl-Qaida No. 2 Ayman al-Zawahri insulted Barack Obama in the terror group’s first reaction to his election, calling him a demeaning racial term implying that the president-elect is a black American who does the bidding of whites.

The message appeared chiefly aimed at persuading Muslims and Arabs that Obama does not represent a change in U.S. policies. Al-Zawahri said in the message, which appeared on militant Web sites Wednesday, that Obama is “the direct opposite of honorable black Americans” like Malcolm X, the 1960s African-American rights leader.

Al-Zawahri also called Obama—along with secretaries of state Colin Powell and Condoleezza Rice—”house negroes.”

Speaking in Arabic, al-Zawahri uses the term “abeed al-beit,” which literally translates as “house slaves.” But al-Qaida supplied English subtitles of his speech that included the translation as “house negroes.”

The message also includes old footage of speeches by Malcolm X in which he explains the term, saying black slaves who worked in their white masters’ house were more servile than those who worked in the fields. Malcolm X used the term to criticize black leaders he accused of not standing up to whites.

The 11-minute 23-second video features the audio message by al-Zawahri, who appears only in a still image, along with other images, including one of Obama wearing a Jewish skullcap as he meets with Jewish leaders. In his speech, al-Zawahri refers to a Nov. 5 U.S. airstrike attack in Afghanistan, meaning the video was made after that date.

Al-Zawahri said Obama’s election has not changed American policies he said are aimed at oppressing Muslims and others.

“America has put on a new face, but its heart full of hate, mind drowning in greed, and spirit which spreads evil, murder, repression and despotism continue to be the same as always,” the deputy of al-Qaida chief Osama bin Laden said.

He said Obama’s plan to shift troops to Afghanistan is doomed to failure, because Afghans will resist.

Al-Zawahri did not threaten specific attacks, but warned Obama that he was “facing a Jihadi (holy war) awakening and renaissance which is shaking the pillars of the entire Islamic world; and this is the fact which you and your government and country refuse to recognize and pretend not to see.”

But Obama’s professions of support for Israel during the election campaign “confirmed to the Ummah (Islamic world) that you have chosen a stance of hostility to Islam and Muslims,” al-Zawahri said.

(Associated Press)

14 Responses

  1. I suspect they read some of the nut-case postings by the anti-Obama people before the election, and took them seriously (being “dan le-kaf zechus” towards al-Queda, people from non-democratic systems have trouble understanding how politics works in a free country. However, they believed he was a secret Muslim, who hangs out with terrorists, and upon election would turn America over to al-Queda, so of course, they are disappointed.

  2. You know who was instrumental in bringing the black to America?
    It was mainly Muslim slave traders, who rounded up and kidnapped black men in their native villages in Africa.
    They were never taken to task for this.

  3. Over 90% of Arabs voted for him but now, obviously, they changed their minds.

    This is the Arab’s opinion on all blacks. On one of their TV stations they said, “People who sing the praise of Condoleezza Rice lack taste as well as brains.”

  4. Over 90 percent of Arabs in the US voted for him but now, obviously, they changed their minds.

    This is the Arab’s opinion on all blacks. On one of their TV stations they said, “People who sing the praise of Condoleezza Rice lack taste as well as brains.”

  5. akuperma is right on this one. The libel towards Obama coming from some conservative, radio-talk show, circus geeks, had an influence on the terrorists too. While Obama did have an association with the likes of a khalidi, as did McCain, Obama also carpooled with Emanuel to AIPAC meetings. Bending reality to suit an agenda is dishonest.

    Obama will be unlike what anyone predicts but I believe he will be one who wants to do a good job for America, unlike the present “administration”.

  6. This is very strange. Consider the possibility that Al-Zawahri is trying to put everone off guard by pretending that Obama is not his man.

  7. The Arabs all voted for Obama, Al-Zawhari is just letting him know that he won’t put up with any anti-Muslim stuff or he’ll get all the Muslims against Obama. Obama is very much a Pop culture Icon who wants to feel he represents everyone and NEEDS to be loved by everyone. It is a big blow to his ego that before he even takes office he is being criticized in the Arab world and that bothers him because he knows better than we do how large that world is. Al-Zawhari is playing to Obamas weakness to get Obama to speak less in a negative light about the murderers called Arabs.

  8. It is all Hashem`s Olam nothing is outside of Hashem. The Blueprint of the year was created this past Rosh Hashanah. Hashem knew on this day #2 from Al-Qaida would be inciting many with his vitriolic statements. The time is now to help reverse the dinam through Prayer, Returning to Hashem, and Acts of Kindness.

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