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Photo Essay: Erev Rosh Hashana In Uman (Photos By JDN)

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7 Responses

  1. Wouldn’t it be better if we could get all these people to fly to Eretz Yisroel instead and daven by the kosel Rosh Hashanah? Wouldn’t that help bring the geulah faster?

  2. 2. and 5. – Guys, you’d better think about your own wifes, if you have any.

    3. – posting against a tzaddik and millions of jews, who follow his advice for 200 years. Boy, try to take pity on you.

  3. Wow…so, are there reserved seats, or is it like, first come first seated (get there by 3 a.m.?) and then the end of davening goes like this: Chazzan: Hayom tevarcheinu! Kahal: Amein! Same seats! Chazzan: Hyom te-gadleinu! Kahal: Amen! Same seats!

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