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Bet HaShalom Residents Plan to Remain

The call has been issued to supporters to come to Bet HaShalom ahead of an attempted eviction of the ten families and singles living in the multi-story structure in Chevron.

Malachi Levinger, the newly-elected mayor of Kiryat Arba told Galei Tzahal (Army Radio) on Monday morning that the High Court’s decision on Sunday supporting the eviction of the residents is an act of “Sodom”, explaining the court is working with the State Prosecutor to oust the Jews from the building that was purchased from an Arab close to two years ago.

It should be pointed out that at this stage, the Supreme Court is not rejecting the Jewish ownership, but feels the ownership is a subject for further hearings. The court decided that until such time it can determine who is the owner of the buildings, Jews or Arabs, the Jews must leave and the building will remain in state hands for the time being.

Levinger rejected the ruling, stating it is beyond the absurd that when one can show documents attesting to legal ownership the court is unwilling to examine the documents, refuses to hear recorded statements and refuses to give any time or credibility to the defense being presented by the Jewish owners – ruling in favor of an Arab who claims ownership.

Levinger stated “We will do everything within our power to avoid violence” adding “we hope we are not pushed to violence as was seen in Amona, when police used brutality,” but stated the residents  at present have no plans to evacuate the building voluntarily. He added that many have been making their way to Bet HaShalom following the ruling and this coming Shabbos, Chayei Sarah, thousands upon thousands will be in Chevron.

Levinger added he and his colleagues have turned to senior military commanders in the hope of arranging another High Court hearing to actually examine the factual evidence which he states will prove ownership to the court’s satisfaction.

The court gave authorities 30 days to carry out the eviction, and in all likelihood, authorities will try to accomplish the eviction in the middle of a night, hoping to catch residents off guard.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

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