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Rav Ovadia: Time to Work for Knesset Elections

At the weekly motzei Shabbos shiur in Yerushalayim, HaRav Ovadia Yosef Shlita spoke of the need to begin working to enlist additional Shas support ahead of the general elections. The Rav stated that “if we receive 15 mandates, or 18, chai, it would be good. No government would be able to refuse us. 18 is chai and it would provide us the strength to accomplish”. The Rav stated Shas would then be in a position to demand the education and welfare portfolios.

“We launched Shas not for the [Knesset seats] but it is all L’shem shamayim”.

The Rav called on every Shas supporter to enlist ten others towards a significantly party gain in the next Knesset.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

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