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New Bloomberg Brainstorm: Plan to Get Taxis Green

taxi.jpgA high court ruled New York City didn’t have the authority to force all taxi operators to go green, but Mayor Michael Bloomberg isn’t giving up.

On Friday, Bloomberg announced a series of initiatives to increase the use of fuel efficient and environmentally friendly taxis though financial incentives and legislative initiatives.

The new program offers financial incentives for taxi fleet owners to purchase fuel efficient vehicles and financial disincentives for the continued use of less efficient vehicles.

Joining Bloomberg at the announcement were Rep. Jerrold Nadler, Taxi and Limousine Commission Chairman Matthew Daus, Councilman David Yassky, Richard Kassel of the Natural Resources Defense Council, Meir Yakuel, co-owner of the Yakuel Taxi Garage, where the announcement was made, and Rati Sharma, a taxicab driver.


6 Responses

  1. Seems like Bloomberg has a serious problem that is getting worse & worse. I hope NY’ers have the brains not to vote for him again!!

  2. If science were to prove that murdering people (old & infirm, let’s say) would seem to better the environment by reducing the carbon dioxide in the air Bloomberg would support a plan to do just that.

  3. If Bloomberg was serious about going green, let him make all city owned cars hybrid. Also, let him reduce the number of cars in his convoy. And the number one way to reduce his carbon footprint would be to shut his mouth. There is only gas filled air coming out.
    I am amazed this man was able to amass a fortune, being the idiot that he is.

  4. Give me a break, I think you should start listening to some talk radio and reading other things besides the New York Crimes. Newsmax has successfully documented how the “going green” is a hoax. This hoax has been perpetrated by enviromentalists groups funded by the Saudis.

    Mr. Mayor, I hope you are listening, do you have anything better to do than to cook schemes to get your name in the papers and to cook up more votes?

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