Municipal Election News – Yerushalayim

ywnisrael3.jpgBoth leading candidates, Nir Barkat and Meir Porush on Monday did their utmost in what all perceive was a tenacious campaign by both of them.

Barkat, who primarily represents the secular or even anti-chareidi voter, and Porush, representing the chareidi voter, are expressing confidence, each hoping to emerge the new leader of the Jewish capital.

Barkat election officials feel a 60% or greater voter turnout will guarantee him success in the mayoral race.

Porush stated “I am chareidi, but I do not have horns but I am not about to gore anyone.” His final remarks were in line with his campaign, his caricature posters seeking to show a bubbly bearded figure with a kippa rather than a photo depicting his pronounced beard and chassidish appearance.

YWN will be monitoring exit polls and hopes blei neder to begin broadcasting early results as the polls close Tuesday night.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

3 Responses

  1. Kudos are due to Barkat for not turning his campaign into a Charedei bashing exercise. This would have been the easy option in order to gain the secular vote but he resisted the temptation.

    I for one greatly respect him for this.

  2. YWN, Do you really think so little of your fellow yidden that you need to characterize a good man and his supporters as anti-Chareidi? A step away from anti-semite, it sounds. DO you really think that Barkat’s supporters are more interested in sticking it to the chareidim than in making their own lives and their city better, as they see it? More interested in hacking the chareidim than in being able to get around their city, or find the services they need for their families? Have you ever heard of being “don l’chaf zchus”???

  3. kizmo, well Meretz candidate Pepe Alalu did more than enough of the charedei bashing for all three secular candidates. I think Barkat underestimates how many votes he will lose to Gaydamark (especaully from secular Russians). That could be enough to put Porush over the top, but if the polls aren’t lying (and polls do have a very poor track record in Israel) Barkat should be a shoe in.

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