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Eitam May be Locked Out of the Next Knesset

MK (National Union) Effie Eitam, who only a few short years ago launched he post-army political career in the National Religious Party, may find himself outside of the next Knesset.

Eitam, who left NRP with Rabbi Yitzchak Levy, joined the National Union coalition, but now, he opted not to join the new right-wing bloc, planning to plant his new political roots in Likud.

It now appears that he is unwanted in Likud due to his right-wing views, which contradict the Likud’s attempt to portray itself as a centrist right-wing party. Eitam, a political hawk, would pull the party’s image too far right, resulting in veteran MKs dismissing his request to join.

Due to time constraints and Likud regulations, the only way Eitam may run for a slot on the party ticket is if party leader Binyamin Netanyahu approves the move, which to date, has not been forthcoming. One may expect Eitam to conduct intensive talks with Netanyahu in the coming weeks in the hope of obtaining his invitation to run for a slot.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

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