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ob.jpgThe campaign that went on forever is no longer.

Barack Hussein Obama has been elected the 44th – and first African American – President of the United States.

By placing the little experienced Obama into the driver’s seat, America voted for hope.

A remarkable and unprecedented rise from a young, black man, who grew up struggling with issues of his black and white racial composition, and where he fit in.

Tonight America answered it for him.

America has unalterably changed.

A Kenyan father and a Hawaiian mother have borne the 44th President of the United States.

(Yehuda Drudgestein – YWN Headquarters NYC)

171 Responses

  1. Rabosai, everyone should make sure they have an updated passport and I think tomorrow should a Yom Tefilah and maybe even a fast day. This is very, very scary and no one should take it lightly.

  2. May HaKodosh Boruch Hu have rachmonus on this great country and on the Torah world. Let us all daven for the government to be favorable to decent Americans and Jews and the rest of the world. Hashem is THE DRIVER!

  3. My parents say in Yiddish: ווי מען בעדט-זיך, אזוי שלאפט מען, which means (although it loses much in the translation) “However you prepared your bed is how you’re going to sleep”.

  4. My question is, to all of these people with their comments about leaving… Who is actually planning on picking up, packing their bags, revamping their lives, and leaving the country?

  5. For all those who still wanna say tehillim.

    If you read the news closely.


    Hello, its just a projection mixed with media corruption!

  6. baruch dayan haemes :-(((
    the gemara in chelek discussing the geula says 97b bottom of amud כתנאי ר’ אליעזר אומר אם ישראל עושין תשובה נגאלין ואם לאו אין נגאלין אמר ליה רבי יהושע אם אין עושין תשובה אין נגאלין אלא הקב”ה מעמיד להן מלך שגזרותיו קשות כהמן וישראל עושין תשובה ומחזירן למוטב

  7. I didn’t want him either but let’s not panic yet. Yes we should have our passports ready – I’ve been saying that for a while.
    But remember -HA-SHEM RUNS THE WORLD – HAVE BITACHON. Daven, do Teshuva and Chesed. We must do all we can to gain the Rachamim of Ha-Shem.
    See you all in Yerushalayim with Moshiach very soon in peace!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Amen.

  8. hashem answered the tefilos of the yungelight…we will now have much better social programs..HUD will take evryone insurance for all …let say hallel tomorrow

  9. In 1984 when the Bobover Rabbi zt”l Rabbi Shlomo when he made a kinus for the the holochust. He said we should not think that in America we are secured we will have one day a BLACK president. His neveus became a reality

  10. I’m literaly in tears. what an injustice! A man was a POW- served his country in the highest form… and a virtual unknown who wouldn”t even wear the flag on his lapel… won!!!! SAd day in US history!

  11. Keep in mind כל מה דעביד רחמנא לטב עביד, AND לב מלאכים ושרים ביד ה, אונז האבן זיך אויף וועם צו פארלאזן!!!

  12. How could the American nation be so blind?? How could they let themselves be swept up by a man with nothing but his silver tongue? jewishpride, I’m in tears with you. This is an outrage.

    America, you have fallen, you have fallen so low. Let’s see you reap the fruit of your idiocy.

  13. when the mitzrim, greeks, pursians, babolonians were in power nobody believed that they would lose their power. so to america after the holocaust looked like a place that would never lose their power….. looks like that is ending soon to!!!!!

  14. Congratulations to President Elect Obama.
    May Hashem give you the strength and wisdom to lead this great Nation.
    You have been placed into office during a difficult time in our history with great energy and a clear mandate to lead the country and the world..

    As for our community…we could all be ashamed at ourselves for our racism and bigotry.
    And for all those getting your passports…you’re not deserving of this great country and you will not be missed.

  15. RABBOISAI CHILL! it means kollel yungerliet will prosper due to increased funding for goverment programs “hakol bishvil yisroel”

  16. hmm…this is the first time I checked out this site, but I expected the responses that I’ve read.
    Being an orthodox female law student in a very liberal school, I am the lone republican. But I think (and I may be wrong) that the worst that can happen is that he doesn’t live up to his promises, which then just leaves us in the situation that we’re in today, not make it much worse.

    And hey, if the worst does begin to happen, we all have passports for a reason. Just a thought…

  17. #29- The thruth-
    Thanks for your comforting words! you’re right! let’s daven that we should be zocheh to be redeemed!!! Please HASHEM!! SAVE US!!!!

  18. this is one of the scariest days of my life…I’m scared of what tomorrow will bring to us. but we need to really remember that Hakadosh Baruch Hu runs the world, and only does what is best for His children…
    America as we have known it is now gone….

  19. bacci40 – i would love to know what you think is so promising about obama. What has he done in the past that would indicate anything about how he plans to lead the country? He has beliefs that are quite seemingly socialistic. He is known to associate with people who are vehemently anti-Israel/pro Palestinian. All of these things are his right as an American, but how will that help the country and more specifically the Jews of this country (since that is the basic readership of this website)?

    As a more general confrontation to the people in this forum who voted for obama, I would like to simply pose the following question: Why do some Jews feel they have to vote Democrat just because historically we voted that way? Do people realize that the entire face of the Democratic Party (and, while we’re at it, the Republican Party) has completely changed in just the last 30 years?!! As a frum Jew, how can you stand behind the lack of morality that is so apparent in almost every Democratic candidate in the last few years (including non-presidential elections)??!

    I await your responses.

    May HKB”H continue to do the best for K’lal Yisroel as he has done since our inception.

  20. see yechezkel 38 pusuk 2 start counting from the alef in the word nusi 7 letters
    hashem yerachiem
    do not forget
    V’chol maminim shehu levado hu Hamamlech meluchim v’Lo Hamelucha!!!

  21. America is a malchus shel Chessed, we are allowed to vote and we are allowed to live and thrive k’ratzon hashem. This next administration may not be exactly the way you like it, but it is way better than plenty of other administrations we’ve seen in the last 2000 years. Chill Out and stop scaring the kids.

  22. To all those pessimists out there– AL TIFTACH PEH L’SATAN!!! Hash-m is the One Who runs the world. Who are we to predict what the future holds, for better or for worse, when the One who actually made this man win in the first place is the One Who does ALL the planning anyway? This must be a test for all of us to see if we will crumble in fear and dread or only hold on tighter to our faith and daven for the speedy geulah we need so badly! May all the pain klal yisrael has ALREADY gone through in this galus serve as the birthpangs of Mashiach, and may this earthshaking developement spur on teshuvah shleimah for all of us!

  23. To On the lake, have you missed your boat to Iran? Phone Obama I’m sure he’ll have an idea for you.
    Anyway Mazel Tov to you, but daven that moshiach should come get us all.

  24. Fellow Jews please realize this is obviously all a plan from HASHEM, Otherwise it doesn’t make sense for Obama to win over McCain who has given so much to America. We hope Hashem will reveal his whole picture quickly.

  25. Obama’s been elected prezident and some people don’t like it… but do we have to cause Machlokes in Klal Yisroel because of it? Our situation is bad enough as it is! Machlokes won’t help us fix that…

  26. Basically,we all just have 2 work to better ourselves.Whether Obama is good or bad makes no difference.Take a look around the world and you see that big changes are upon us.The fact that Obama is our next president is just 1 of them.We just better take this as the message Hashem is tring 2 send us,and try 2 do teshuva 1 step @ a time because Mashiach is definitly on his way.

  27. Now that the people of the U.S. have rejected their leaders that have brought on so much misery to our country, it’s time for us frum Yidden to toss out our so called leaders that led us astray and caused us to make an enemy out of the next president of the U.S.

    Forget about your passports. Get yourselves brains instead.

  28. תְּפִלָּה לְעָנִי כִי יַעֲטֹף וְלִפְנֵי ה’ יִשְׁפּךְ שִׂיחוֹ
    ה’ שִׁמְעָה תְפִלָּתִי וְשַׁוְעָתִי אֵלֶיךָ תָבוֹא


    People, please do not lose your heads over this. We know Who really holds the reins in this country as everywhere. BE”H the new presidency should bring mazal for the USA and Klal Yisrael.

  30. This is a good thing for the world, a good thing for America, and a good thing for the Jews. You say you are going to leave America as if that were a threat. Good riddance to you. You belong in Israel anyway.
    Your fear is stupid and ill informed. This is not Nazi Germany.

  31. Basically we all have to better ourselves.Whether Obama is good or bad,makes no difference.All you need to do is take a look around the world to see that major changes are upon us.Obama being elected as our next president is just 1 of them.Hashem is trying to send us a wake up call to do teshuva and we better respond to its message,because Mashiach is definitly on his way.May Hashem help us that we all be saved b’karov from this galus.

  32. nobody’s comments mentioned why you think Obama’s wrong for presidency, or for jews.

    our economic position cannot be fixed w/out taxes. I’m happy that the taxes will be paid by ppl earning over $250,000 a year – certainly not me.

    I found the idea of Palin having any power in our country terrifying – didn’t you?

    There was too much propaganda about Obama – hope you’ll all be pleasantly surprised with our new President.

  33. I think it’s a beautiful moment in America’s History.

    I felt so proud tonight to be an American. I think there’s so much positive energy escorting him to the White House.

    It’s a shame you’re all so neurotic.

  34. oy vei: you are absolutely right.

    The only reason people are afraid is because they were filled with hate & fear by the right wing media. do a little research and you’ll see that it’s all baseless.

  35. mikey..

    Imagine if Lieberman would have won the presidency and you would stumble on a site and seen this comment..

    We have to change the residence of the President to the KIKE HOUSE!

    you would be horrified.


  36. Im just wondering-did EVERYONE forget who runs the world??? ummm hello-yesh elokim! obviously this is for a purpose..the president of presidents is our very own God and He loves us very much..He doesn’t want to hurt us so every1 calm down,start doing teshuva,and get ready 4 Mashiach!!!And remember NOTHING Hashem does is “bad”..

  37. I guess that yungerman from williamsburg will have to move to monsey. and they are starting to build a fence around mexico tomorow mornng.

  38. btw as my rabbi said yesterday –nomatter who wins the election when you wake up wedensday morning hashem is still running the world

  39. Good evening ladies and gentlemen, Welcome to the socialist states of America. Your paychecks are now being redirected through Washington for redistribution. We hope you enjoy your change!

    I mean really, you have to realize that ALL of it is b’yedei shamayim and the only thing we have to do is daven! Halacha Hi Biyadua She’eisav Sonei es Yaakov…Who says McCain would have been better? We have to Daven to Hashem and realize that nothing happen’s unless He wants it to.

  40. My dear brothers and sisters, Maaminim Bnei Maaminim…. let’s get this straight.
    As long as he was elected to become president we needed to do our hishtadlus. Once he becomes president, he is merely a puppet from shomayim. Remember…LEV MELACHIM VESARIM B’YAD HASHEM.
    We must continue to daven, that whatever the future brings should be with great chesed & rachamim from above for all of Klal Yisroel.

  41. That fact that he was born a muslim was a member of a church whos leader was a muslim before becoming a christian a staunch member of the farakhan movement, toasted and befriended a noted palestinian proffessor who is openly ant israel ie…anti jewish, is willing to have an open dialogue with iran, if that isnt enough to tell you hes no fan of jews then your head is just as much in the ground as the jews who voted for him, as far as the yeshivah people depending on social services, what about all the potential paycuts and loss of jobs for their wives when their bosses have to pay ridiculous taxes 39% plus, how about all the donors to the mosdos do you rather the money go to taxes then tzedokos, hey people remember dinkins, chills ran down my spine when i saw jesse jackson anti semite extrodinare crying tears of joy, lets not panic but dont be naive have a passport and your eyes wide open, in the 30’s and 40’s everyone was saying dont worry, H ashem runs the world but ain somchim al haness, never again

  42. Today many of us went out and voted. Today we did our hishtadlus. Many of us seem to have forgoten that our vote, our vote as people is never the last vote. Out Tatte in Himmel does that for us, and we need to learn to have better emunah. Hashem Yishborach would never have put us in this position if He did not beleive that 1) we were mature enough and capable of handling it 2) it wasn’t good for us. The guelah is coming! We’re so close to it! By making a chillul Hashem like this on the interenet we’re just taking steps backwards when we could very well be moving closeer! Please, say tehillim because we should always be saying tehillim. Get your passports ready because we should always be prepared, and get your emunah and bitachon in check because the American people have elecred their 44th president, beign guided by Hakadosh Baruch Hu. And just a plus… this is a sign that we’re getting too comftorable in America! This IS NOT our homeland… no matter what! We are in Galus, and we shouldn’t let ourselves become to comftorable. Have a good night, and may we MERIT to see the geulah speedily in our days!

  43. Our future is not here in America. This is one step closer to the coming of Moshiach and then we will all go home to Eretz Yisroel.

  44. #58 -ploiderer1 I hope you’re not talking about our Chachamim and the Vaad who told us to vote for McCain and not for Obama!

    And for those of you who are saying that Obama is “not so bad” remember that’s what people said about Hitler Yimach Shimo V’Zichroh.

    #62 -Gittel this may not be Germany, but America is going to be the first country to go before Moshiach comes. Do you really intend to stay here for it’s downfall?

    Oh, and guys, OUR FEAR IS NOT UNFOUNDED! Yes, Kol Ma DiAvid Rachmanah L’Tav Avid, that’s first and foremost, but that doesn’t mean we have to walk blindly into a trap, Hashem gave us saichel for a reason!

    If you want to know exactly why so many people are freaking out, well, I’ll give you my reason. If you open up Sefer Yechezkel, the posuk that talks about Milchemes Gog U MaGog, if you take every seventh letter in that posuk, it spells out the name O-B-A-M-A.

    Coincidents? I think not.

    Moshiach is on his way here, we’re standing at the precipice of the third world war.

    Guys, I think we should all start being makpid on Seudas Melaveh Malkah, and start keeping a cheshbon hanefesh.

  45. to mister oi vey (#64): obama is an arab for crying out loud. his campaign was funded by terrorist orginizations and is willing to meet ppl that want to destroy israel without precondition. i would love for u to tell me how that is not bad for the jews!!!!

    lastly, i agree with all those who are planning to move to israel. i personally just looked up nefeshbnefesh for some suggestions.

    iy”H evrything will be good, may we merit to see mashiach speedily in our days amen!!!

  46. mister on the lake: u are clearly a self hating jew or someone who does not care about klal yisroel
    obama’s victory is a terrible thing that’s happened to this country.he is terrible for the jews
    and mister mikey i love that joke about the black house (hahahaha)

  47. שמחתי שמחה גדולה ועצומה ואני וביתי נוהגין היום ולמחר כיומא טבא עם לבושי שבת והסרגנ’ס המיוחד לימי משתה ושמחה

  48. I listened to Obama’s speech, and I’m not sure what part reminded you of Hitler ym”s. Was it the part where he praised John McCain for his service to this country, and said he looked forward to working with him (and thanked Sarah Palin as well)? Or the part where he talked about the country being the United States, and said that our whole country needed to work together, without excluding those who hadn’t voted for him? Or the part where he quoted Abraham Lincoln (or is Lincoln now a fascist too)?

    Imagine that…a man of mixed race who wants to work with his political opponents to end war and help the entire country, not just those who voted for him. Sorry, but I have to agree with those who call the comparisons to Hitler ym”s simple-minded fear-mongering.

    Of course we should all say tehillim that Hashem should guid him to govern well. That goes without saying.

  49. #84 -Ayid4mccain that’s really wonderful! I’m also looking into making an Aliyah, though hopefully on a student visa ^^

    #86 -haloMan not that I can recall. Maybe tell me about some?

    Also, this isn’t fear mongering! Read the book Daniel (the book, not the sefer. The book about the autistic boy Daniel) and see if that doesn’t change your mind!

    #88 -skeptique are you sure it was the right posuk? And I think it’s spelled with a Vav, not an Aleph, and there’s a debate if it has a Hay at the end.

    I think it’s every seventh letter, don’t quote me on that though. Something with the number seven. And the signifigance with the number seven? Oh wow, that is a LONG explanation. VERY LONG.

    maybe I’ll write it up tomorrow, but right now I’m too tired to go into everything the number seven signifies. Sorry 🙁

  50. Can someone please explain to me why Colin Powell was less ‘black’ than President Obama?? Why is it when he talked about running for Prez, our heimishe community was so positive about it? Please dont tell me that its just a difference in policy!

    A further point. I DO NOT ENVY MR. OBAMA FROM A PUBLIC POINT OF VIEW. There will be four years of harsh criticism, racism and very tough press where he’s concerned. Dont forget many Americans are not comfortable with this decision because prejudice will always exist, an issue that no other President as unsuuccessful as they might have been, had to endure.

    Pashutah Yid,

    Dont kid yourself, his position now will not diminish the hate that exist in the US, on the contrary, I see this as ‘heat to fire’.

  51. please can someone please explain, what will it help to have your passport ready. if America is bad for Jews Israel will be too! they listen to everything America says. as far as any other country you can go there as a tourist for max 3 months after that you might be deported as an illegal!

  52. #85 Significance of the #7
    1)Hasham created this world for 7000 years! we are holding now in the ailaf hashishi!
    2)Shabbos is the 7th day of the week!
    3)Hasham created 7 skyes!
    4)7 notes on a piano!
    5)7 years is Shmitah!and besides that, we have to hope every day for Moshiach not only when you hear that Obama won!!!!! vaf al pi shayismamieo im kol zeh aechake loi BCHOL YOIM shyuvoi!!!!

  53. I would like to share the jist of a conversation I had with a friend of mine who is in 7th heaven that the Liberal won.

    He called with excitment that the Democrat won the White House. I tried explaining to him that this was the wrong democrat based on Obama’s far left wing ideolgy. He was happy that now us rich people will have to pay more taxes (as if 36% isnt enough) because he falls into the lowest tax bracket.

    I tried explaining to him that I am not being in the rich bracket (even with Obama’s 42k income “rich” level) and that in the long run he will also be taxed and if not he CHV should be VERY concerned about his job. I couldnt get thru to him that if people dont have money to spend and if his boss has to pay more money in taxes for his welfare, the boss will cut jobs and HIS could CHV be the one to be cut!

    Please dont get me wrong, I am not wishing this on anyone but it is something that has to be thought about! Why should someone work and try to make a decent living if he will be taxed for it AND if he could do better on govt handouts????? Long term welfare doesnt work. It NEVER has! We can look around and see it for ourselves.

    I wish everyone brucha v’hatzlucha that whatever comes down the pike doesnt effect them l’ra because if he follows thru on his promises to raise taxes to “spread the wealth” we are are (word removed!) big time.

  54. for all those who are traumatized to point of tears…this is ridiculous! Hashem has always been protecting klal isroel and will continue to…so why the tears? you think Hashem doesn’t have a plan Chas V’Shalom? we do our hishtadulus and daven to Hashem and the rest is in His merciful hands! Why are you creating another BECHIYA SHEL CHINAM????

  55. and as I told you guys before, “עשו בגימטריא = כאמריקה”
    So, this guy may not be Esav, but he’s Esav’s shver (Yishmael), and as they say, “An eidim is a shtick shver” (“fathers-in-law and sons-in-law are similar”)

  56. Rabosai! Please keep in mind that Chazal (Brochos 7b) warns us that אם ראית רשע שהשעה משחקת לו אל תתגרה בו – “never atagonise anybody, whatever his behaviour, who is in power”.

  57. Does YWN refer to Senator McCain as John SYDNEY McCain in its articles?

    Or Gov. Palin as Sarah LOUISE HEATH Palin? Joe Biden as Joseph ROBINETTE Biden, Jr.?

    What about George WALKER Bush?

    Or even William JEFERSON Clinton?

    Neither the senator himself nor any legitimate media outlet that I’ve seen use Barack Obama’s middle-name when referring to him.

    Why would YWN choose to do so?

    I just can’t imagine…

  58. am e rica = empty nation. It has finally gotten what it deserves. “the people have voted” … now we know the garbage that surrounds us. For those of you that love this “great” country so much, WILL YOU FINALLY WAKE UP?

  59. Let’s lighten up.
    Gog or Magog or Demagogue?
    Apparently, “de magogue” has triumphed.

    whatever that means!

    One thing’s for sure… IT’s ALL GOOD.

  60. I am no Novi neither am I a Talmid Chochom, but isnt it obvious that both the financial crisis and this election result is to teach us that all we have to rely on is Oveinu Shebashomayim. So stop getting all panicked and Daven, learn more be nice to people etc etc and we will have a Yeshua PG. PS In UK most of us have passports … always a good idea.

  61. It is true that this country will change. But do you honestly believe that President Barack Obama is a puppet of some vast conspiracy theory only interested in persecuting an infinitesimal fraction of a country of millions? Stop being obtuse and over dramatic. And I am shocked at the hypocritical racism. You should be ashamed of yourselves.

  62. bacci40 – Are you seriously implying that experience doesn’t make a difference? you would rather go with an unknown who may be unpredictable? So when you hire someone for a job (which, in effect, the presidency is) you don’t take a look at past performance? Believe me, I dont think McCain was the best candidate to run the country, but he at least has served a public office long enough to give him the experience. And I quite honestly feel he is being more honest (notice i did not say i think he’s being honest) than Obama. And don’t think for a second that I don’t realize how Hashem controls everything. Quite honestly, however, i dont think anyone on this board is on the level to say “we shouldnt care about this at all because Hashem controls everything”. we have to be realistic. that is our hishtadlus. I am just curious as to why our people voted for someone like obama. I dont think the conservatives are very moral, but again, as with all the other issues you and I have addressed, I believe McCain is the lesser of two evils. Would I rather have a rosh yeshiva running the white house? maybe. But that wasn’t the choice now was it?

  63. Stop whining.

    The frum community is probably better off with Obama (i.e. with the liberal democrats). Remember which party is big on food stamps, WIC, Pell grants, printing money to save the economy, etc.

    For Israel, Obama is ideologically very close to Livni and Barak (and unless Likud can manage to get Lieberman and Shas to make nice, Livni will probably end up as prime minister in February)

  64. Rabosi!

    This happened in the Parsha of “Lech Lecho M’artzocho.” Hashem is telling you what to do.

    Also check out third Peshat of the Rashi Parshas Lech Lecha הנה אתה ידעתי (בראשית יב)

    If I had the power, I would be גוזר תענית צבור!

  65. Raboisei! We are in the MIDST of a drama!
    Hashem is unfolding scene after scene, with some brilliant moves on the chess board.
    Can we please have a wee bit more patience to experience the absolute wonderful outcome soon?
    Just daven, learn, chesed, and refrain from l”h, and the glorious outcome will happen even faster. (Months, not years.)

  66. ayid4mccain..
    No..I’m not a self hating Jew at all.
    I’m just really perturbed by this display of nerotic reaction.
    The election is over now…and I have not seen evidence of his desire to do any harm to Jews. On the contrary most jews that know him personally support him.
    I see a country energized by a decent, talented man.
    So quit paying lip service to Lev Malachim BeYad Hashem and calm down…

    And what gives you a right to criticize people like Jesse Jackson for anti semitism when you’re just as bigoted if not more, that he is??

  67. yid4mccain (100)-
    chulent was saying that Obama’s foreign policy will be bad for Israel. Just yesterday, arutz 7 was reporting that Obama had secretly agreed to divide Yerushalayim. Hopefully Netanyahu will win in Israel since I believe he’ll stand up to any ridiculous demands or pressure for Obama.

  68. Concerning experience, Obama’s campaign was one of the most tightly organized and run ever, far more so than McCain’s (whose staff couldn’t stop fighting with each other and McCain just couldn’t get them under control). He may not have that much experience, but he did a masterful job. How else did he get elected five years after he started as an obscure state senator.

    One thing we have to understand about him, he wants to listen to an learn from all sides, a לומד מכל אדם. Just because he associates with and talks to people who we don’t hold with doesn’t mean he agrees with them, it means he holds with אל תהי בז לכל אדם שאין לך אדם שאין לו שעה because he recognizes that everyone has a place somewhere in the equation.

    Those who think he doesn’t know that much about economics, read what the NY Times economic correspondent David Leonhardt wrote about Obomonomics, he’s got an extremely sophisticated grasp of economic policy and is certainly no socialist.

    Those who think he wants to destroy שונאי ישראל, read what Howard Berman (one of the stuanchest Zionists in Congress and chairman of the House Foreign Relations Committee) wrote in the Jerusalem Post about why he’ll be far better for Israel than McCain would have been. Also read what Hilary Leila Krieger wrote in the Jerusalem Post about the strong support he has from the wealthy and powerful Jews in Chicago. הוו מתונים בדין, make sure you have all the relevant facts, not just rumors.

    And also, please don’t insult other Jews, even those who think differently than you do. They’re still included in the mitzva of ואהבת לרעך כמוך. And daven for Hashem to bring peace and prosperity to Clal Yisroel and the world. הוו מתפלל לשלומה של מלכות.

  69. Well said #29 – Are we questioning Hashem? Hashem knows what He is doing. Hashem decided Obama should win, if that is Hashems will, we should accept it. Although we preferred the other candidate, can we say we disagree with it? It is Hashems decision. We can Daven but we can’t be angry with the decision as this is like saying we are unhappy with Hashem.

  70. Experience is only one factor in the complex skill set that is needed. McCain has a problematic memory–he repeatedly mixed up the Shias and Sunnis–many times in public no less! I would expect a presidential candidate to have memorized key facts. He is an extreme risk taker (the choice of Palin really did him in, need I say more about her manipulative unkosher flirting?). He has an old world view of militarism which does not work anymore especially in the Middle East where their very successful high tech military proxies outsmart the US bigger and better miltary mentality. McCain’s experience would have been a real negative risk to our country. He’s just like an old surgeon using old methods and tools. Obama’s skill set is far superior–you will see.

  71. With all those who write that they are leaving for Israel following the election is there any chance of an available airline seat in the next few months? For those who plan on staying there will be houses available at bargain prices from those leaving the US.

  72. Change…give me a break! Black America voted like sheep giving him over 96% of their vote. That to me is pure racisim. They will only see change if they learn to change their anti social ways….violence,no respect for the laws,one parent families, distain for education etc etc Since the 1960’s black america has had the chance for change but few have really jumped onto that train the rest have still yelled for more and done little to help themselves. Other ethnic groups have come to the USA way after the blacks and have excelled.. They didn’t complain but forged ahead because we are the land of opportunity but one must grab the brass ring not watch it just go by. Obama will not be their savior and I hope I’m wrong be a terible leader and bad for the Jewish people…time will tell. Finally for all of those George W Bush haters out there we have been safe here in the USA for the past seven years since 9/11..I think history will prove him to be a much much better president than given credit for.

  73. This is what happens when people listen to rush, shaun, bill, and bob grant . They become extremely knee jerk broad stroke and stupid.
    Get your passport!
    Leave now!
    The world is crashing !
    The next ban should be on talk radio. It I’d really making us into stupid bummer sticker minded people.
    Throw out your radio’s !!!!

  74. bochur24:
    It all boils down to the fact that we need to do our hishtadlus and vote the right man in, and Hashem will take care of the rest.
    This is exactly the dialogue that took place recently in Parshas Bereishis between Odom Harishon and Lemech’s two wifes:
    וכי עליכם לדקדק על גזירתו של מקום, אתם עשו מצוותכם
    והוא יעשה את שלו
    (Rashi, Bereishis 4:25)

  75. I hope when people’s “rich” bosses start laying them off because they can’t afford to pay them anymore, they have a stamp on top of the pink slip saying, “this is because people like you voted for Obama”
    (Aside from rubbing it in, it seems that many people are too stupid to realize the connection with raising taxes on rich people causes poor people to lose their jobs. They’ll need it explained to them)

  76. “For those of you who wish to harm America, we will fight you. For those of you who seek peace and security, we will support you.” Barack Obama – 11/5/08, shortly after midnight.

    There is no EVIDENCE upon Barack Obama, himself, that he will be any worse to our concerns than Nixon, Ford, Carter, Reagan, Bush, Clinton, or Bush. In fact, he may just care enough to want to do a good job. And this is coming from someone who did not vote for him.

    Let’s pray and thank heaven that Bush is on his way out.

  77. The number 7 within the context of the Torah is generally considered to be the number of “completion”. It seems to alert us to a theme that is considered to be fundamental. For instance, the word “ach” brother is mentioned 7 times in the Cain/Havel narrative. Yosef also cried 7 times. Mitzraim was to have 7 plentiful years and 7 years of famine. This number repeats itself in very significant ways throughout the TaNach.
    If you look at Megillas Esther, for instance, the numbers 3 and 7 continually play a roll. For instance, Achashveros conducted his main feasts in the 3rd year of his reign. He asked for Vashti on the 7th day of the 2nd feast for the common people which lasted in total 7 days. He had 7 chamberlains and 7 advisers. Esther was crowned queen in the 7th year of his reign. She had been given 7 handmaids by Hagai. Rolling along — if you examine chapter 3 posuk 7 (ArtScroll ed.) you find that it is there that Haman “hipil pur cast the lot to determine on which day to annihilate the Jews and if you now go to chapter 7 posuk 3, you find that it is there that Esther petitions the King for her life and the life of her people. Pretty neat!
    If you carry the quest for #7 further, examine within the Torah how many times within a segment words are repeated 14 times (7 X 2) or 21 times * 7 X 3).

    Besides being the number of completion, does the number 7 signify anything else? Also, what of the number 3? I would greatly appreciate someone elaborating on this for me.

  78. Purim 1980—we all thought that Haman was here and the end was upon us. We are all still here and blogging yet! Ha-Sh-m rules the world! Everyone relax. An American President can not ‘rule’ or act alone. We have a series of checks and balances in our government. All Presidents, no matter how brilliant, have lots and lots of advisers. If Obama grew up with ideas and feelings that are antithetical to mine, so what. Everyone is entitled to do teshuvah!.. When he will be our acting President, he will be privy to much more information than he grew up with. Your feelings change rapidly when you actually ‘see’ what’s going on. Maybe I voted McCain, but I wasn’t happy about that either. His running mate scared me more than Obama did. The thought of a Republican President being able to choose the next Justices on the Supreme Court was also a chilling idea.
    For Yidden to do Teshuva,say Tehillim, and improve our middos is always a good idea, but this panic is wrong, ridiculous, and unfair to all of us. By the way, take a look at your kids. The Yeshivas here and in Israel have put our children into such a panic that they are having breakdowns about this election. They do not understand anything about American politics and only hear gloom and doom stories. This is chevlei Moshiach, but it’s been that way for a while already. Calm yourselves down, do your Hishtadlus and please calm your children down. H-Kodosh B-ruch H- does everything for a reason. This too will be good. Have Bitachon!

  79. The level of racism that the moderators have allowed in this thread is despicable. Do you really think only Yidden can view this site?

    That said, this election is to remind us what most Rebbeim have been telling us for years, that this is Galus, no matter how comfortable Jews have had it in this country for the past 200+ years. This will not be the first time in our history that a place we thought we were safe and comfortable in will suddenly turn hostile towards us.

    Unfortunately, there are many comparisons to Germany circa 1936. We both have an elected leader from out of nowhere, with no track record, which has people swooning. An economy in shambles for which we are being blamed because a lot of the financial companies have “Jewish sounding” names, and everyone out there has read “The Protocols of Zion”, so they know that Jews run the banks.

    When the dust has settled, we can thank the liberal/secular Jews, the McCain campaign for running one of the worst campaigns ever, the choice of Sarah Palin for costing McCain thousands upon thousands of votes, and most of all, the Cult of Obamanation. What’s on the agenda, check out the article in Arutz Sheva about Obama’s promise to Abbas to give him “East Jerusalem”. May Hashem get us all safely to EY, where we should be zachur to see the coming of Moshiach!

  80. This is the best thing for America! Sit back and relax. This is what we needed!!!! MAZEL TOV!!! Kiddush this Shabbos. All of Klal Yisroel is invited.

  81. Obama is a socialist who has managed to gain the post of President of the United States. He will have a majority in the House and the Senate. That is pretty much carte blanche. I for one will not be leaving the US any time soon. Where is it better? Israel? Have you been paying attention? Even the Jewish Government is employing Nazi tactics on it’s own people while negotiating with murderers. Technology has made the world much smaller. If Hitler had had the technology that existed today He would have been able to move much faster. And as you can see from the postings people are just as blind as they were then. Our only hope is to turn to Hashem no matter where we live and acknowledge that we cannot do anything without His help. We must beg for forgiveness and put ourselves in His hands.

  82. Hashem wanted this vze hu! We all did our hishtadlus and davened, and the rest we leave up to Hashem!

    All what we could do is daven to our Father and ask of Him to put the right machshavos into this goyishe kup!

  83. Personally I think this is one (more) simon that we have to do tshuvoh, and kiruv.

    On another note; boruch Hashem there are checks and balances, and if a president wants to do something really crazy, perhaps he will be stopped
    by the congress, his own cabinet and advisors or the public.

  84. #134 mrsk I respect your call for prayer to G-D but we must keep our guns loaded and ready to shoot. Israel is not a pie that is ready to be sliced into parts. G-D may help but he will surely help those that first help themselves and are prepared for their enemies.

  85. Unbelievable! The slander pointed to a man by people who also state he has no experience, is absurd. So how is the severe slander justified toward an unknown? I am very upset to see that some of us feel it is a personal insult to have this man in the White House. It is obvious it stems from gaiva and racism. We all have to grow in many different ways.

  86. I think that as Americans this is truly a great day. Whether or not you voted for Obama or agree with policies or think he is going to sink the country, you can’t take away from him how far he has come and what he has achieved for the American people, breaking down racial barriers. I am amazed and embarrassed by many of the comments that I am reading here. As frum Jews we should be celebrating this day, the same freedoms that have allowed us to sit in comfort in America and to be able to have so many people sitting and learning also allowed Obama to get the place that he is. He did not cheat; the American people decided he was the best choice (yad hashem). The greatness of this country is that when he takes office if you disagree with something he does you have a right to get up and have your voice be heard without the fear of being killed or censored (which is more than what is happening in a lot of our own communities [censorship]). So instead of being bigots, be proud to be Americans and having the ability to elect a new president in 4 years if this guy turns out to be as bad as you all think he will be.

  87. The message I’m hearing on the news is one of unity and the mark of a major milestone in ethnic discrimination.

    Please take a moment to ponder this. These are Midos of Klal Yisrael. We taught these values to the world!

    It is my hope that we will learn from this new attitude in America and bring an end to our own divisiveness and discrimination within our Frum communities. Our judgement of others should no longer be based on superficialities like one’s head covering or religious background. America has voted that they are one people. Let’s breath in that enthusiasm and declare ourselves as one unified Klal Yisrael.

  88. Reading most of these commenst is enough to chas veshalom turn people away from frumkeit if not yidishkeit completely. Imagine a non-frum person reading the racist comments being posted.

    Remember that we are in golus and our CHAZAL have taught us that we have to show Kavod to our leaders. What is being displayed here is a bizayon.

    Accept the fact that Obama is the President-Elect and rather than disparage him, be mispallel that he will serve klal yisroel well.

  89. akuperm!

    Your anti-semitism is evident. Jews should like Obama because of food stamps and welfare? Which Jews in law, medicine, science, education, entertainment, business, unions, philanthropy..etc. are using food stamps and welfare?

    By the way, which group of people are NOT represented on the welfare roles? What group are YOU a member of who have no ranks that ever receive social services?

    You are transparent and ridiculous.

  90. I don’t see why people think moving to Israel is the solution to Mr. Obama’s presidency. He has not yet assumed the presidency, and has not done a single thing AS PRESIDENT, by which we can anticipate what his future actions might be.

    If he does turn out to be a disaster, I don’t know what the solution is, but I don’t see how Israel, of all governments, is the answer.

    Yes, it is eretz asher tamid einei Hashem Elokecha bah, but there are many additional factors, like the security situation, raising kids biderech haTorah, dealing with an anti-Torah government/idealism, et al.

    In addition to all the points made above about Lev Sarim uMilachim biYad Hashem, and basic emunah that Hashem will help us and protect us, etc., these people are moaning how Obama will divide Yerushalayim and finally make that “Palestinian” State in Eretz Yisrael. So, if that is the case, why would you want to be in Israel when that all goes down? Would it not make the Gaza expulsion tragedy pale in comparison, R”L?

    Also, from where did people get the Ruach haKodesh that they can predict that America is going down, CH”V, and that this is leading to where Germany did in the 1930s, R”L, Lo Aleinu?

    While there may be some similarities to Germany of the 1930s, there are many crucial political and social differences, in addition to the Jewish religious differences, so a scare-mongering direct comparison at this point is, I believe, foolish.

    Incidentally, we have a kabbalah that America is the last station for Torah in galus. Ma Yaaseh Adam ViYinatzel meChevlo shel Mashiach? Yaasok biTorah uvigmilus chasadim.

    May Hashem redeem all His people, speedily in our days.

  91. to #32 look at the past history of the jews of europe who also believed that “THEIR” world could never crumble….and 6 million lives later !!!!!! wake up and smell the coffee!!!!! yes it is very nice to give him “brochos” and congrats, but let’s hope he doesnt abuse the “kisei hakovod” that he has been elected to against us in any way – here or anywhere in the world!

  92. I don’t care that Obama is black and I don’t care that his father is a Muslim. My problem is that he is a socialist. That is very bad news. I am not planning to crumble in fear and I will cling to the fact that Hashem runs the world. I am not fleeing the country. But, I will do my histadlus. I will daven, I (and my husband) will work hard so that we will IYH not need the welfare programs (Shame on you Sammy Joe for having such a myopic view – you (we all) will pay a high price for those programs). I refuse to believe 2 + 2 = 5. Don’t you see where this is going? Perhaps Hashem is giving us what we deserve because we still insist on think power is in our hands.

  93. To mrsk,
    I agree with you. I going to stay here until Moshiach comes to see people like Bacci and Illi eat their words. They always have good points on what is wrong with the current gov., but their conclusions are way off. They also always forget to mention the fact that the majority in congress is democrat, not republican. We all know the President doesn’t make laws just signs them. How come we never here any criticism on the other parts of gov.? Those who don’t learn from history are doomed to repeat it! Philosophers have always dealt with the problems in society, but over the last hundred years we learned Communism and Facism are failures. They all had great retrodict,
    but everyone knows their evils. Obama is doing the same thing, but it waits to be seen if it will go as far as communism or just be like England with their type of socialism. One thing I will tell you America became the greatest country in the world because they rejected these ideologies.
    You can for sure say goodbye to once great USA, but whether we will be a third world country waits to be seen. To all those who voted for him for social programs -you should have a refuah shlaimah. Anybody with any brains will tell you that life should not be schnorring esp. from goyim! Frum jews might have to take it out of necessity, but this is not the way it should be even for Yungerleit.

  94. mrsk..
    Whys is it ok for Israel to be Socialist and not the US?
    How come when Bibi decided to make Israel more Capitalistic and remove some social programs he was denounced as a Rasha..?
    Why are the happiest people in the world in Denmark which is one of the most socialist countries on earth?
    When did socialism become such a dirty word?
    It might be something we disagree on..but people say it with the same hushed horrific tone that they would nazism…

  95. Making these comparisons to Hitler is childish. To all of you getting your passports ready, good riddance I’ll help you pack. We live in a free democratic society where people are given the right to choose their president. Would you prefer a dictatorship where only white conservatives could rule the country?

  96. (#64): “obama is an arab for crying out loud. his campaign was funded by terrorist orginizations and is willing to meet ppl that want to destroy israel without precondition. i would love for u to tell me how that is not bad for the jews!!!!”

    Obama is NOT an arab. He is a biracial American. He didn’t choose his father, or his father’s faith.

    And he already chose a Jew, Congressman Rahm Emanuel (Illinois), to be his Chief of Staff.

  97. To On the Lake (without a paddle)
    I am sorry you are going to have such a graphic histroy lesson. This is the kind of socialism that becomes facisim. And yes, it is frighteningly familiar.
    As to Israel, it acutally wasn’t ok w/me that the religious parties got into bed with Bibi. If they have us by the purse strings they have too much control. Socialist governments say they know better than you what you need. They take the money and divide it up and “take care of you”. The people lose control of their lives and their country.
    I would actually love to be wrong, but I fear I am not.

  98. alot of people on here feel that they dont wanna leave cuz its gonna be okay. theryre comfortable, have bussinesses, nice cars, good food, and other gashmiyus. it sounds just like 1938 when people were warned to leabve and didnt because they were also too comfortable. look around is it normal whats going on, hashem is giving u signs that everything is about to hit the fan. so if ur afraid of moving to the holiest land in the world because you wont be as comfortable think again maybe get a book or talk to a holocaust survivor before its too late.

  99. How can people compare Obama to Hitler, y’mach shmo? Obama has not spoken against Jews or blamed Jews for the economy. He may be appointing a Jew to his chief of staff. Just because people voted him in because of his race does not mean he is a Hitler, G-d forbid. Also, Bush and Jewish political leaders in Israel are also willing to give away Jerusalem and gave away Gush Katif.
    I did not vote for Obama because he is a Democrat committed to destroying family values.

  100. Dictatorships come in many colors and this one will be multiracial. However, I believe that once again there will be no place for the Jew, no matter how “enlightened” and “politicall correct”.
    What is childish is to fail to learn from the past. A crazy person is someone who repeats the same actions over and over again, hoping for a different outcome.

  101. To 152,
    Actually I would prefer a gov. that the dictator was a religious right wing conservative. I’ll tell you why – not just for the goyim to keep the 7 mitzvos bnei noach, but for me. If we had a leader that had respect for religion, there probably wouldn’t be so much discrimination against frum jews. If I had a dollar for every time someone refused me a job because of Shabbos, I would be a rich man. Don’t tell me it’s against the law because I found out the hard way that it isn’t! We have affimative action to give blacks jobs just because their Grandpappy was a slave. Now with Obama they probably will pass laws on slave reparations. This will destroy a lot of insurance companies which will add to the destruction of our economy, but don’t worry the rich will be forced by our gov. to pay for it with higher taxes. Our religious accommodation law is like the chazer fisel. They show everyone a beautiful yacht on dry dock, but if you take it out to sea it just has a hole in it that makes it sink. If I sound like a racist, that’s because I am one. But my racism comes from not judging people by the color of their skin but from their racism towards me.

  102. just cuz jews in israel r bad ( a gadol once said that many israelis in political power r part of the eiruv rav- so imagine wat obama is) doesnt mean that obamas ok. his vice president however did say that israel will have to get used to iran having nukes,

  103. I have been appalled and ashamed from what I’ve heard from many of my fellow frum Jews over the course of this election, who have expressly voted not on the basis of any political philosophy but on fear and hatred of Barack Obama himself. Beyond even the outright racism, too many in our communities have been willing to believe and even teach exactly the same types of groundless suspicions, rumors and outright lies that we have been the victim of over the centuries. How can you not see that the allegations of secret cabals and conspiracies, of false birth certificates and hidden agendas, are right out of the blood libels and Protocols of the Elders of Zion that have given strength to our enemies? How can you be willing to believe and publicize the rhetoric being generated by the same racists and “white power” types that hate us as much as they do African-Americans? Don’t you know that, were a traditional Jew were nominated to be president, you would be seeing the exact same language in e-mails accusing him of being a puppet of the International Zionist Conspiracy and out to destroy Christian America?

    We Jews should be better than that! B’ezrat Hashem, we will move beyond this and show ourselves to be better than that.

    May Hashem bless the Jews and the people of the United States, and grant the incoming administration wisdom and compassion for us all, as we daven every Shabbos. {ProfJonathan}

  104. I know I am going to get killed for this,

    I am in Chicago for work, I do not live here. I was in the rally last night. I did not vote for Obama, never would, as a frum jew. However, you had to see the faces of people out there. There was a certain electricity in the air. There was a sense of renewed hope and change for this country. Yes I know, as jews that is not whats important, but if Obama does anything right, he will bring back the enthusiasm and exctiement that people have. Being out there last night told me one thing….. Let’s wait and see what happens. Yes I know people are scared, I am also scared. My grandmother she should live and be well, was in Auschwitz. I have always kept passports for myself and my family and some cash on the side. You never know, you never know. But if we believe in Hashem, and know that everything he does is for us and for our benefit. Maybe Barack will be good in the long run, maybe he wont. His history leans to no, but we will give it some time before deciding. Meanwhile what we can do, is daven like we always have and have emunah and bitachon that Hashem is our only king and our only president.

  105. vilnayid..
    The last time I checked, there was only one place in the world where Jews are consistently getting killed and where they are threatened by annihilation…and that’s in Israel.

    So this idea..that we should run to Israel for safety reasons is absurd.

    If you want to approach me with religious/messianic reasons, that’s something else.

  106. mrsk..
    I majored in history, you don’t have to give me any lessons..
    There are plenty of socialist disasters and plenty of Socialist model societies. There are millions of levels in socialism and no society can exist without some socialism. The whole concept of Teruma and Maaser is socialist.

  107. Thank you Pahsuteh Yid,

    A sensible and intelligent approach and a breath of fresh air in this website. Its good to see there are more of our kind out there.

  108. #129 -mab, thank you so much! I didn’t know about the signifigance of the #’s 3 & 7 in Megillas Esther! That was really fascinating to read! I’ll see if I can find anything about 3 & 7 and get back to you on that!

    Oh, and for those of you who are saying it’s ridiculous to compare Germany to America, realize that this is what the German Jews said themselves before the Holocaust, that there’s no way they will ever be forced out of their lands, etc.

    If you guys studied history, you’ll know that before the Holocaust, Germany was considered one of the kindest countries in the world. They were intellectual, MORAL, loving, etc.

    The Germany of before 1930 is very similar to America.

    And then in one fell swoop everything CHANGED.

    What’s more, we can look even further back, during the time of the Inquisition. If anyone studied that time period, you’ll also see how the Jews prospered at the time. Did any of you ever read the letter the Abarbanel wrote to King Fernand and Queen Isabella when they passed the decree to expul Jews from the country? It’s quite powerful.

    And you know what’s even MORE frightening? The fact that in both Spain & Germany, the Jews were given a chance to leave before the iron fist came crashing down on them. But the Jews back then didn’t believe what was happening, certain that it would pass, and that everything would come back to normal.

    Obviously it did not.

    And if you want to look even further back, you can look at the story of Purim. The Jews were comfortable in Shushan, to the point that they joined in the King’s feast. Of course you can justify it from their point of view, after all, what was the harm in joining in the party? But evidently there was, and Hashem sent a virtual NOBODY–Haman, Hitler (Obama) to teach Klal Yisrael a lesson.

    The difference? The Jews during that time realized that what they need to do is cry out to Hashem. They fasted, they davened, and Hashem saved them.

    And sadly, we’re here today in 2008, trying to say that a Muslim (Arab) will be good to the Jews.

    His words are empty, his promises are emtpy, and if America, actually the Jews, survives these next four years, it will be B’Chasdei Hashem.

    For those who want to know why everyone’s saying to go to Israel if the economy there isn’t much better, let me say that in this past week’s Parsha, Parshas Noach, Israel was the ONLY place in the entire WORLD that was spared from the Mabul.

    I’d definitely take my chances with Israel.

    Not only that, but the world before Dor Haflogah was filled with Chamas. The world we live in today is also filled with Chamas.

    By the way guys, do you know that Chazal say that Milchemes Go U MaGog is supposed to last only seven minutes? For a long time the question was asked, how was it possible.

    Well, B”H with today’s technology, we have the Atom Bomb 🙂

    Do you still feel safe in America?

  109. I agree with Pashuteh Yid – I am ashamed at the negative posts I see on this forum, and after speaking to many in the community – I can assure you it is not the common perspective…let’s wait and see, and stop using spontaneous outrageous negative & doomsday predictions which is unbecoming of our people.

  110. simonechaya…
    There are a few major difference between all those historic cases and the present.
    1. Germany was extremely anti-semitic even during those few years that there was democracy. There was no tradition for democracy. Europe was non stop turmoil..

    2. America is not a nationality like Spain and Germany.
    In the past..we lives in Germany as Jews..guests of the German people albeit with rights.
    Today we live in a huge melting pot. We’re not anyones guests.. We are America..just as much as your WASP next door neighbor and as much as Barack Obama..grandson of a Muslim Kenyan man.

    So..there is no historical comparison at all.

    As for all these doomsday predictions..
    The Torah says Tomim Tihyeh In Hashem Elokecha…It’s not our job to predict future events..and react to Messianic hype.
    The Chasam Sofer once said that even if we were to find out that there’s not such thing as Moshiach (an impossibility) it wouldn’t change anything in our mission and purpose in this world..which is to be Mekadesh Shem Shomayim in every single situation we may find ourselves in.

  111. To Ill,
    Which part of my comment was full of paranoia?
    The statement that they might order laws regarding slave reparations? I guess you know what laws they are going to pass in the next four years and this is definitely not one of them! As far as hate -if you read my comment -I said I hate them because they hate me. So many goyim have denied me employment because they won’t let me off for Shabbos! This sickness was created by the liberals even though it was the liberals who passed the law in the first place. Read what I wrote about the chazar fisel!

  112. it’s not negitive or pessimistic or paronoia all we are trying to say on this site is to daven and do teshuvah to bring moshiach faster, BEFORE we’re in trouble!!
    peaple like “haloMan”, “on the lake”, “illini07” and others are acting as if they couldn’t care less if moshiach comes or not!!!!
    I haven’t seen one mention of teshuvah from guys like them!! shame on you!!!
    at least sound as if you care what might happen to the jewish nation if we don’t do teshuvah.

  113. Neither the senator himself nor any legitimate media outlet that I’ve seen use Barack Obama’s middle-name when referring to him. Its use is a transparent, deplorable smear tactic calculated to to invoke long-debunked rumors of Obama being some kind of covert Muslim terrorist.

    Can YWN really not see the chillul H’ and simple disgrace that this is?

    Can you not see that /now/, it is essential for everyone to respect the president-elect and his many supporters (who comprise the majority of the country)?

    (Don’t play coy and claim ‘it’s just his middle-name….’; when was the last time you used the respective middle-names of John McCain, Sarah Palin, Bill Clinton, etc., etc.?)

  114. OnTheLake,

    From what I can tell, you seem to have blended our concepts properly and come across as a very fair and enlightened person.

    I cannot believe some of the thoughtless, baseless, thoughts here from people who I assume should be anything but small-minded, considering the beautiful Torah they are exposed to.

  115. #173 ycs1613:

    You set a perfect example.

    A example of someone who is ignorant & misinformed, did you see all my posts in the past 24hrs that you can make such a statement? obviously not.

    “all we are trying to say on this site”
    who is we??

    All I’m trying to point out is that the “We” should stop with the hate, stop infusing fear, as I wrote in other posts “Hashem decided who won”

    You have to do teshuvah regardless of who is president.

    My fellow people!! Al Tiroh!!!

  116. It is true. Many ideas expressed in our community are scaring the young people.

    Those who supported McCain should hear this:

    John McCain, when told that 50% of his supporters voted for him because they were afraid of Obama, said something to the effect that there is nothing to be afraid of. That he and Barack have pledged to work closely together in the coming years to move America forward. He said told him on his congratulatory phone call, the Barack expects to work closely with him too.

  117. To ill,
    Where did I say everyone hates me? I said I wanted to have a white religious conservative as dictator so this religious employment discrimination can stop. I think that the far right goyim don’t hate frum Jews, just the rest of America does. Also, don’t lie I never said I supported the KKK, I said I liked them. They happen to be very religious. You obviously don’t believe goyim should have religion, but Hashem
    disagrees with you -hence the 7 mitzvos bnai noach. Also, you never learned the posuk -K’mayim Ponim Al Ponim – the way of the world is if someone hates you, you automatically hate back. Your comment that this is childish implying that this should not be done is against this posuk. If Hashem wanted people not to hate back, he wouldn’t have created this phenomonon! As matter of fact even by Jews -Tos. asks why do you have to help your enemy whom you hate with his packages because you are only hating him because it’s a mitzvah to hate him? The answer is because of K’mayin Ponim al Ponim – You hate him, so he hates you and so you hate him back even more. Because of this extra hatred you have to help him with his packages. There is no extra hatred by me,
    I just hate them because they hate me!

    Barack Obama has been elected as president of the United States of America, and as Jews we have an obligation to show respect to our new Commander-in-Chief.

    YWN allowed everyone “venting-time”, but we will no longer be accepting comments on this thread.

    Additionally, kindly refrain from posting comments of hatred towards the President-elect on any other threads.

    The heated election is over, and everyone must take a deep-breath.

    Thanks for your understanding.

    An article will be posted shortly on this topic.

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