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UNRWA Spokesman: It Will Take at Least 15 Years to Rehabilitate Gaza

gazaAs Gaza residents begin returning to their communities, International Red Cross, UN and other agencies are operating in the area. According to an UNRWA (United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees) official in Gaza, it will take 15 years to rehabilitate Gaza following the damage caused by the IDF.

Some officials report areas of Gaza are “unrecognizable”, including Shajaia, the stronghold of Hamas’ terror, where the harshest battles took place.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

17 Responses

  1. Well the UNRWA should make sure that all concrete is used to rebuild hospital, etc instead of rebuilding tunnels. The it would’ve a lot quicker.
    In fact the UN should appoint a special team to oversee the distribution of the concrete!!! Like that is going to ever happen!!!!!

  2. I suppose if the UNRWA whouldn’t have helped Hamas by storing their weapons and allowing them to use their facilities, things wouldn’t have been as bad.

  3. Especially all those tunnels, rockets etc…
    What a terrible thing the idf did, trying to protect themselves…

  4. Why doesn’t UNWRA and all U.N. agencies leave Gaza already.?
    They’ve been there for 66 years .
    It’s time for Qatar, Dubai to start paying for their brother’s and sisters welfare.
    Not paying to build tunnels and rockets .

  5. 15 years- could take more or less, depending on hope much $ aid is siphoned off for continued terror; tunnel building, rockets, etc

  6. Is the UNRWA going to have UN troops on the ground to see that all building materials are used for civian buildings – not terror tunnels?

    Those in Gaza who voted for Hamas and supported rocket fiore and terrorism should realize that they brought this upon themselves.

  7. Too bad that they are always liars. If this was true it would be awesome but I’m afraid this is about getting more $ from the world.

  8. I haven’t an idea how to implement this. But Hamas cannot be trusted with a dime. Nor can any UN agency be trusted to be even an obstacle toward the mission of Hamas to re-arm and destroy Israel. How about if Israel returns to govern Gaza? The supervision would be done by Israel. Any whiff of a terrorist would lead to instantaneous arrest and death penalty for the terrorist. I guess a few courts could be established for the trials. Sentences should be almost immediate, so the protests etc. won’t keep Israel busy with such nonsense. In addition, any protests in which there is incitement to violence should be policed using live ammunition only. Peaceful protest (almost a direct contradiction to the charter of Hamas) would be tolerated.

    If anyone can develop a plan that is feasible, share it with the Israeli government. Clearly, election or not, these inhuman savages cannot be allowed to have power.

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