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YWN Eretz Yisrael Evening News Roundup – 11/2/08


*A bus traveling near Hizme, near Jerusalem’s northern border on the road to the Shomron, was attacked by Arabs throwing rocks early Sunday afternoon. No injuries were reported.

*Left-wing activists targeted IDF soldiers with rocks in Chevron on Sunday. The left-wingers were positioned in the Abu Seninah area under PA (Palestinian Authority) control. They flew PLO flags together with PA residents, targeting soldiers below.

*Firebombs and rocks were hurled at border police jeep in the Shuafat area on northern Jerusalem. No injuries or damage reported.

*A border policeman sustained a light leg injury as a result of Arab violence at Na’alin during an anti-security fence protest. He was transported to hospital.


*The Histadrut national labor federation has declared a number of ‘work disputes’. This launches the two-week countdown timer after which a strike may be called if a settlement is not reached. Work disputes were declared in the Eilat Religious Council and in the Galil Hospital in Nahariya.

*Foreign Minister Tzipi Livni is scheduled to travel to Egypt next week to attend the Quartet nations foreign ministers conference.

*Three girls, ages 12, 15, and 17 were indicted in a Jerusalem court on Sunday for throwing rocks at police during the destruction of Federman Farm. Charges against them include aggravated assault and interfering with a law-enforcement officer.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

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