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Berlin, Germany: Anti-Semitic Attack Against Rabbi and Students

hate c.jpgTwo men shouted anti-Semitic abuse at a Rabbi and eight students traveling with him in Berlin early on Sunday and threw an object at their van, police said.

The two men, driving a Mercedes Benz, braked in front of the Rabbi’s van and then reversed back towards it while shouting anti-Semitic insults, police said in a statement.

“The 36-year-old [Rabbi] then saw the driver light up an unknown object and throw it towards his van,” the police said, adding that the rabbi could not explain what the object was.

Anti-Semitic crime has been rising in Germany, which has seen an influx of some 220,000 Jews from the former Soviet Union since 1990 after being home to just a very small Jewish community in the decades after the Holocaust.

Violent right-wing crime jumped 9 percent last year, and the Interior Ministry said last month it was up significantly again in the first half of this year.


4 Responses

  1. Wow what a shock…Antisemitism in Germany!! What is any sane Jew doing there if not to make money? Now we know what Chazal mean by telling us that some love their money more than themselves. It is forbidden to have rachmanus on fools.

  2. #2, Unfortunately, it is not a shock that there is antisemitism in Germany. Does that mean one can accuse the Jews living in Germany to be living there only for money. Do you live in America? People could say the same about you. I think you should be ashamed for calling other Jews, children of HKBH, holy nashamos fools?!?!

  3. #2, Unfortunately, there is a terrible history of antisemitism in Germany. Does that give you the right to bash the Jews living there?! Siyag L’chachma shtika. These comments are not a forum for Lashon Hara.

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