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Amir Plans to Petition Courts Against Prison Authority

Yigal Amir, convicted of the assassination of Prime Minister Yitzchak Rabin, plans to petition the courts after the Israel Prison Service decided to punish him for an interview with the media which is not going to be aired.

Amir has been moved from Rimonim Prison in the Sharon area to the Ramon Prison in the Negev area, a facility used for Arab terrorists. He is being segregated from other prisoners and in the coming days, he will have a disciplinary hearing to determine the extent of his punishment, which currently includes a loss of phone and visitation privileges for giving the unauthorized interview. His television was also removed, as was his DVD player and electric hot water kettle. In addition, he will not be permitted any time alone with his wife for the next three months.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

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