Netanyahu Pledges Loyalty to Yerushalayim

bibi.jpgIn his address to the opening session of the Knesset winter session, opposition leader Binyamin Netanyahu stated that if elected prime minister, he will not enter into negotiations regarding Yerushalayim.

Most viewed Netanyahu’s address during the opening meeting of the winter session of the 17th Knesset as the launching of his election campaign. He stated that the nation will soon embark on general elections and that gives voters the ability to create a turning point, to change political priorities and realities towards rehabilitation and a healthier future.

He cited three major threats facing the nation today, the global economic crises, the continued deterioration in the scholastic achievements of the nation’s children and the growing security threats from terrorist organizations and elsewhere. He stressed Likud will work towards peace, but reminded the Knesset that history has shown over and over that peace is achieved through strength, not weakness.

“Two issues are non negotiable” he stated, “the demands for the right of return for refugees and Jerusalem.”  He pointed out the correctness of the reforms he made as finance minister, and concluded by stating Israel needs a new leadership and a new path.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

3 Responses

  1. Tell Bibi that if he is sincere then he should promise to take back Hebron which he gave away, and Gush Katif which he was instrumental in giving away. Otherwise his words are nothing but empty rhetoric.

  2. I thought Netanyahu would be the best for Israel, among those who are interested in the job. I will not go into reasons but I am aware there are those who would concur and those who would vehemently disagree.

    BUT, I dont like the statement that “he will not enter into negotiations regarding Jersusalem.” WHAT ABOUT THE REST OF ISRAEL?? To me, that statement implies Jewish land is up for consideration to feed the murders who cannot live normally in their own land.

    We are blowing it at the wrong time in history to blow it!

  3. #1-4, you are right, but netanyahu is the least of the current evils because kadima is taking the ‘middle’ position so he’ll take a position that’s more right wing

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