Challenging America – Jerusalem is Israel

isam flag.jpgAs most are aware, a child born in Yerushalayim who applies for an American passport will find “Jerusalem” as the place of birth, not “Israel”, as the Government of the United States has difficulty recognizing the eternal Jewish capital of the Jewish People is not occupied as the Arab world contends.

The US State Department maintains that the areas liberated in the Six Day War are occupied and therefore, a child delivered in Jerusalem’s Hadassah Mount Scopus Hospital was born in an “occupied area” and therefore, the passport cannot read “Israel”.

American citizens Ari and Naomi Zivotofsky, who reside in Jerusalem, are challenging the State Department’s policy and they have filed suit in a US Federal Court in Washington, D.C. they maintain the law signed by President George W. Bush in 2003 states Americans born in Jerusalem may indeed have “Israel” inscribed in the passport next to the city, in this case Jerusalem.

In this particular case, the Zivotofsky’s son Menachem was born in Jerusalem’s Shaare Tzedek Medical Center.

Ari Zivotofsky, a professor of neuroscience at Bar Ilan University, calls the American policy discriminatory and he hopes his lawsuit will create some new facts on the ground. Lower court hearings were unsuccessful, but for the Zivotofskys, it is a matter of principle, explaining their tenacious pursuance of the matter.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

5 Responses

  1. Hagoen Harav Amram Blau ZTV’L had pleaded before the United Nations in the late 40’s and early 50’s for Yerushalayim to be recognized as an international city.

  2. The US, and the goyim in general, do NOT recognize Israel as a permanent Jewish state.
    What’s the hiddush????

    If I were a zionist, which I’m not, I would insist on full recognition as a pre-condition for negotiation. However the post-zionists don’t really recognize Israel as a permanent Jewish state, which is why they are working on dismembering it. The religious zionists are amaziningly naive about such things.

  3. On religious matters I understand that the goy in 3 was purportedly Frum and even had a following. Otherwise I’m only equating 3 with the Goyim on certain issues, such as speech (and writing.)

  4. charlie dear, this policy long long predates the Bush Administration. But don’t let facts get in the way of your leftist politics.

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